Egypt, U01 - Syene (Assuan)

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TM 106179 Année épigraphique 1909 107 stone Latin BC01 - AD03 Relationship to Syene (Assuan): [found & written]
TM 140224 Année épigraphique 1996 1653 Paris, Louvre OGL 504 pottery Greek AD02 Relationship to Syene (Assuan): [found & written]
TM 381320 Archiv für Papyrusforschung (AfP) 60 (2014), p. 240-248 Jerusalem, Association Bible et Civilisations O. grec. 1 ter pottery Greek AD02 Relationship to Syene (Assuan): [found & written]
TM 63691 Austin, Comicorum Graecorum fragmenta in papyris reperta (CGFP) 364 Paris, Académie des Inscriptions et des Belles Lettres P. Clermont-Ganneau 3 papyrus Greek AD02 Relationship to Syene (Assuan): [found]
TM 4538 BGU 6 1247 Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung P. 11307 papyrus Greek BC02 Relationship to Syene (Assuan): [written]
TM 4538 BGU 6 1247 Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung P. 11307 papyrus Greek BC02 Relationship to Syene (Assuan): [found]
TM 4539 BGU 6 1248 Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung P. 11306 papyrus Greek BC02 Relationship to Syene (Assuan): [found]
TM 4540 BGU 6 1249 Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung P. 11309 papyrus Greek BC02 Relationship to Syene (Assuan): [found & written]
TM 4563 BGU 6 1306 Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung P. 10698 pottery Greek BC01 Relationship to Syene (Assuan): [written]
TM 4564 BGU 6 1307 Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung P. 12564 pottery Greek BC01 Relationship to Syene (Assuan): [written]
TM 4565 BGU 6 1308 Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung P. 10775 pottery Greek BC02 Relationship to Syene (Assuan): [written]
TM 4566 BGU 6 1309 Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung P. 9389 pottery Demotic / Greek BC01 Relationship to Syene (Assuan): [written]
TM 4571 BGU 6 1314 Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung P. 10707 pottery Greek BC02 Relationship to Syene (Assuan): [written]
TM 4572 BGU 6 1315 Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung P. 12014 pottery Greek BC02 Relationship to Syene (Assuan): [written]
TM 4573 BGU 6 1316 Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung P. 12200 pottery Greek BC02 Relationship to Syene (Assuan): [written]
TM 4574 BGU 6 1317 Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung P. 10696 pottery Greek BC01 Relationship to Syene (Assuan): [written]
TM 4575 BGU 6 1318 Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung P. 12186 pottery Greek BC01 Relationship to Syene (Assuan): [written]
TM 4659 BGU 6 1354 Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung P. 10728 pottery Greek BC02 Relationship to Syene (Assuan): [written]
TM 4677 BGU 6 1378 Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung P. 12016 pottery Greek BC02 Relationship to Syene (Assuan): [written]
TM 4678 BGU 6 1379 Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung P. 12177 pottery Greek BC02 Relationship to Syene (Assuan): [written]
TM 4732 BGU 6 1444 Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung P. 12675 pottery Greek BC02 Relationship to Syene (Assuan): [written]
TM 4737 BGU 6 1449 Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung P. 12164 pottery Demotic / Greek BC02 Relationship to Syene (Assuan): [written]
TM 140221 Cahier de rech. de l‘Inst. de pap. et égypt. de Lille (CRIPEL) 18 (1996), p. 199 no. 1 Paris, Louvre OGL 499 + Paris, Louvre OGL 500 pottery Greek AD02 Relationship to Syene (Assuan): [found & written]
TM 140709 Chronique d‘Égypte (CdE) 85 (2010), p. 78-80 Knokke-Heist, Private collection Soubry without number stone Hieroglyphic BC07 - BC04 Relationship to Syene (Assuan): [written]
TM 154478 CIL III Suppl. 2 14147 (1) stone (granite) Latin AD01 Relationship to Syene (Assuan): [found & written]
TM 154479 CIL III Suppl. 2 14147 (2) stone (granite) Latin AD01 Relationship to Syene (Assuan): [found & written]
TM 128447 CIL III Suppl. 2 14147 (3) stone Latin AD02 Relationship to Syene (Assuan): [found & written]
TM 121990 CIL III Suppl. 2 14147 (4) stone (granite) Latin AD02 Relationship to Syene (Assuan): [found & written]
TM 128448 CIL III.2 6025 Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum III 68 stone Latin AD02 Relationship to Syene (Assuan): [found & written]
TM 27293 Cuvigny, Rome in Egypt's eastern desert p. 359-363 no. 2 Paris, Académie des Inscriptions et des Belles Lettres P. Clermont-Ganneau 4 a papyrus Greek / Latin AD03 Relationship to Syene (Assuan): [found & written]
TM 703189 Delange (ed.), Les fouilles françaises d'Eléphantine (Assouan) 1906-1911 1 p. 444-446 no. B Paris, Louvre MG 23093 stone (diorite) Demotic BC03 Relationship to Syene (Assuan): [found & written]
TM 61792 Emerita 27 (1959), p. 59-73 Alexandria, Bibliotheca Alexandrina 513 parchment Coptic / Greek AD04 Relationship to Syene (Assuan): [found]
TM 44206 Enchoria 29 (2004-2005), p. 61-62 Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung P. 13537 papyrus Demotic BC03 Relationship to Syene (Assuan): [written]
TM 81354 Gedenkschrift für Winfried Barta p. 216 Munich, Staatliches Museum Ägyptischer Kunst ÄS 1861 pottery Demotic BC02 Relationship to Syene (Assuan): [found & written]
TM 81356 Gedenkschrift für Winfried Barta p. 217 Munich, Staatliches Museum Ägyptischer Kunst ÄS 1911 pottery Demotic BC02 - BC01 Relationship to Syene (Assuan): [found & written]
TM 81357 Gedenkschrift für Winfried Barta p. 218-219 Paris, Louvre ODL 367 pottery Demotic BC02 - BC01 Relationship to Syene (Assuan): [found & written]
TM 52164 Göttinger Miszellen (GM) 215 (2007), p. 73-75 no. 1 Cairo, Egyptian Museum CG 22160 stone (sandstone) Demotic / Hieratic / Hieroglyphic BC06 - BC04 Relationship to Syene (Assuan): [found & written]
TM 52165 Göttinger Miszellen (GM) 215 (2007), p. 75-77 no. 2 Alexandria, Bibliotheca Alexandrina 478 stone (sandstone) Demotic / Hieratic BC06 - BC03 Relationship to Syene (Assuan): [found & written]
TM 48854 Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2 London, British Museum EA 10822 Vo papyrus Demotic AD01 Relationship to Syene (Assuan): [found]
TM 80764 I. Philae 1 10 Alexandria, Graeco-Roman Museum 2 stone (granite) Greek BC02 Relationship to Syene (Assuan): [found]
TM 80945 I. Philae 2 194 Cairo, Egyptian Museum without number stone (sandstone) Greek AD05 Relationship to Syene (Assuan): [found]
TM 5950 I. Prose 19 Alexandria, Bibliotheca Alexandrina 135 stone (basalt) Greek BC02 Relationship to Syene (Assuan): [found & written]
TM 144464 I. Syene 1 183 descr. stone Demotic? BC04 - AD03 Relationship to Syene (Assuan): [find place, place of writing & preservation]
TM 144465 I. Syene 1 185 stone Demotic BC04 - BC01 Relationship to Syene (Assuan): [find place, place of writing & preservation]
TM 144466 I. Syene 1 186 stone Demotic BC04 - BC01 Relationship to Syene (Assuan): [find place, place of writing & preservation]
TM 144467 I. Syene 1 187 descr. stone Demotic? BC04 - AD03 Relationship to Syene (Assuan): [find place, place of writing & preservation]
TM 144468 I. Syene 1 188 stone Demotic BC04 - BC01 Relationship to Syene (Assuan): [find place, place of writing & preservation]
TM 144469 I. Syene 1 189 stone Demotic BC01 - AD03 Relationship to Syene (Assuan): [find place, place of writing & preservation]
TM 144470 I. Syene 1 190 stone Demotic BC04 - AD03 Relationship to Syene (Assuan): [find place, place of writing & preservation]
TM 144471 I. Syene 1 191 stone Demotic BC01 - AD03 Relationship to Syene (Assuan): [find place, place of writing & preservation]