Demotic epistolary framework

N. Dogaer and M. Depauw, ‘Mapping the Demotic Epistolary Framework through Network Visualisation’, Zeitschrift für Ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde, 144 (2017).
Networks for articles

Fig. 1

Network of Demotic epistolary formulae

Networks for articles

Fig. 2

Network of Demotic epistolary formulae (node size determined by degree)

Networks for articles

Fig. 3

Network of formulae in Demotic papyri

Networks for articles

Fig. 4

Network of formulae in Demotic ostraca

Networks for articles

Fig. 5

Network of Demotic epistolary formulae (node color determined by modularity class with a resolution of 0.5)

Networks for articles

Fig. 6

Network of Demotic epistolary formulae (node color determined by modularity class with a resolution of 1.0)

Networks for articles

Fig. 7

Network of Demotic epistolary formulae (node color determined by modularity class with a resolution of 2.0)

Networks for articles

Fig. 8

Demotic epistolary formulae in the 6th and 5th centuries BC

Networks for articles

Fig. 9

Demotic epistolary formulae in the 4th and 3rd centuries BC

Networks for articles

Fig. 10

Demotic epistolary formulae in the 2nd and 1st centuries BC

Networks for articles

Fig. 11

Network of formulae in Tehna

Networks for articles

Fig. 12

Network of formulae in Elephantine