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TM 100260 Record to be adopted by: you?

Stable URI (with TM ID): www.trismegistos.org/text/100260


Date: before (e) AD 90 Jun 12
P. Dime 2 has wrong conversion (AD 090 Jul 12); date mentioned: Pachons 22 - Pauni 18 (= AD 90 May 17 - Jun 12)
(a) AD 90 Mar 17 - 18?
date based on date of receipt b
(b) AD 90 Mar 17 - 18?
date mentioned: [Mecheir] 23 - [Phamenoth 21 / 22]? (= AD 90 Feb 17 - Mar 17 / 18?)
(c) AD 90 Mar 18 - May 16?
terminus post quem (AD 90 Mar 17 - 18?) is the date of receipt b; terminus ante quem (AD 90 May 16) is the date of receipt d
(d) AD 90 May 16
date mentioned: Pharmouthi 22 - Pachons 21 (= AD 90 Apr 17 - May 16)

Provenance: Soknopaiou Nesos (Dimeh) - Egypt (EgyptThe Egyptian nome ca. 3rd cent. BC - AegyptusThe Roman provincia ca. 2nd cent. AD) [found & written]

Language/script: Demotic

Material: papyrus

Content (beta!): receipts (a - e), payment in wheat

Recto/Verso: Ro, back: blank

More info: ÖNBÖsterreichische Nationalbibliothek => 7396 links in TM

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