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TM 43122 Record to be adopted by: you?

Stable URI (with TM ID): www.trismegistos.org/text/43122

Information mentioned in this text

    TM 43122

    (text of Papyri.info of September 2016)

    Hover on a word for more info. Click on it to go to the detail page of the lemma.


    1 προσαπογρ(αφὴ) κώμης Ἡ̣[ράκλειας] [ὑπὸ]
    2 Ταβοῦτος τῆς Ἑριέως τοῦ̣ [---] [,] [ἐν] [---] [(ἔτει)]
    3 Ἁδριανοῦ Καίσαρος τοῦ κυ̣[ρίου] [,] [---]
    4 κβ ἀπεγρ(άψατο) ἐν ἐπο̣ι̣κίῳ [---]
    5 περὶ Ἡράκ̣λειαν [---]
    6 προσ{εν}εν̣έχθη αὐτῇ [καὶ] [---]
    7 ἀνεφ[έρ]ετο ὑπὸ τοῦ τ̣[αύτης] [ἀνδρὸς] [?]
    8 Πακύσεως τοῦ Π̣[α]β̣έω[ς] [---] [προσ]-
    9 απ[ο]γέγ[ρ(απται)] [ἐπὶ] [τοῖ]ς̣ αὐτοῖς [.][---]
    10 τὰς ἀρο̣[ύρα]ς̣ λε λβ´ ἃς ἠ̣[γόρασεν] [καὶ] [πα?]-
    11 ρέθετο ἀντίγρ(αφον) τῆς προ[γεγρα(μμένης)] [ἀπογρ(αφῆς)] [καὶ]
    12 ὁ̣μ̣οίως κατὰ πᾶ̣σ̣αν ἔδ[ωκε] [τὴν] [προσαπογρ(αφήν)]

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