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TM 9580 Record to be adopted by: you?

Stable URI (with TM ID): www.trismegistos.org/text/9580

Information mentioned in this text

    TM 9580

    (text of Papyri.info of September 2016)

    Hover on a word for more info. Click on it to go to the detail page of the lemma.


    1 [ἔτους] [ἑβδόμῳ] [καὶ] [τριακοστῷ] [τῆς] [Καίσαρος] [κρα]τήσ̣[εω]ς θε[οῦ] [υ]ἱ̣οῦ μηνὸς Ὑπερβερετίου*
    2 [..............................] ἐν Πτολεμάιδι Εὐεργέτιδι τοῦ Ἀρσινοείτο(υ)
    3 [νομοῦ] [.] [ὁμολογεῖ] [Γαῖος] [Ἔρως] [ἀπελεύ]θερος Ἐρως* Ἀπ[ο]λλωνίωι καὶ
    4 [Σωκράτηι] [καὶ] [Ἀρτεμιδώρωι] [τοῖς] τρισὶ Χαιρήμονος ἀπέ̣[χ]ειν παρʼ αὐτῶν διὰ τῆς
    5 [---] [τραπέζης] [---][..] τρισχιλί(ας) (δραχμὰς) ἃς ὠφειλοσαν* αὐτῶι κατὰ συγγραφὴν
    6 [.........................] [τελ]ειωθεῖσαν τῶι ἐνεστῶ̣[τι] ἑβδόμῳ καὶ τριακοστῷ
    7 [ἔτει] [Καίσαρος] [μηνὸς] [.....] [καὶ] [μ]ὴ̣ ἐπε[λεύ]σε̣σθαι μήτε αὐτος* Γαιος* Ἐρως* μηδὲ οι*
    8 [παρʼ] [αὐτοῦ] [ἐπὶ] [τὸν] [Ἀπολλ]ώ[ν]ιον καὶ Σωκράτην καὶ Ἀρτεμίδωρον μηδʼ ἐπὶ
    9 [τοὺς] [παρʼ] [αὐτῶν] [---] [μ]ή̣τ̣[ε] [π]ερὶ τῶν σημαινομένων ἀργυρίου δραχμῶν
    10 [τρισχιλίων] [---] [τρ]ό̣πῳ [μ]ηδενί. ἀναδέδωκεν δὲ αὐτοῖς Γαῖος
    11 [Ἔρως] [---] [τὴν] [συγγρα]φὴν εἰς [ἀκύ]ρωσιν. ἐὰν δὲ [..]η̣ι̣ η[.]
    12 [.....]ων περι εν ν[....] [..]
    13 [.]ων κ[.........] [...][---]
    14 |gap=1_lines|

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