A total of 7 abbreviation clusters in TM 176659 (click here to see all cluster components)

Text details
Publication Année épigraphique 1976 675
Provenance Turkey, Cappadocia - Archelais (Aksaray) [found & written]
Date BC 199 - AD 799?
All abbreviation clusters:
Abbreviation cluster Abbreviated words cluster Combination
IMPImperatoriIMP for Imperatori
AUG PONTIF MAX TRIB POTAugusto pontifici maximo tribunicia potestateAUG PONTIF MAX TRIB POT for Augusto pontifici maximo tribunicia potestate
IMPimperatoriIMP for imperatori
COSconsuliCOS for consuli
P Ppatri patriaeP P for patri patriae
LEG AUG PR PRlegatum Augusti pro praetoreLEG AUG PR PR for legatum Augusti pro praetore
SACERDsacerdotumSACERD for sacerdotum