A total of 8 abbreviation clusters in TM 253774 (click here to see all cluster components)

Text details
Publication Helttula (ed.), Le iscrizioni sepolcrali latine nell'Isola Sacra 1
Provenance Italy, Latium - Ostia [found & written]
Date AD 98 - 138
All abbreviation clusters:
Abbreviation cluster Abbreviated words cluster Combination
AAulusA for Aulus
LlibertusL for libertus
AAulusA for Aulus
L LLuci libertaL L for Luci liberta
LIB LIBERT POSTERISQlibertis libertabusque posterisqueLIB LIBERT POSTERISQ for libertis libertabusque posterisque
FR Pfronte pedesFR P for fronte pedes
AGR Pagro pedesAGR P for agro pedes
Q F IUGquod facit iugerumQ F IUG for quod facit iugerum