A total of 9 abbreviation clusters in TM 261408 (click here to see all cluster components)

Text details
Publication CIL IX 5154
Provenance Italy, Picenum - Montepagano, near [found & written]
Date AD 50 - 199
All abbreviation clusters:
Abbreviation cluster Abbreviated words cluster Combination
PPubliusP for Publius
P L VIPubli libertus vivusP L VI for Publi libertus vivus
V Fvivus fecitV F for vivus fecit
PPublioP for Publio
P LPubli libertoP L for Publi liberto
SORsororiSOR for sorori
C L PROTOGNIACai libertae ProtogeniaeC L PROTOGNIA for Cai libertae Protogeniae
PROTOGENIAProtogeniaePROTOGENIA for Protogeniae
GEMELLgemellaeGEMELL for gemellae