A total of 8 abbreviation clusters in TM 265533 (click here to see all cluster components)

Text details
Publication CIL VI.8.2 40458
Inventory Rome, Tomba di Cecilia Metella 262441
Provenance Italy, Latium - Rome [found & written]
Date AD 95
All abbreviation clusters:
Abbreviation cluster Abbreviated words cluster Combination
IMPImperatoriIMP for Imperatori
FfilioF for filio
AUGAugustoAUG for Augusto
PONT MAX TRIB POTpontifici maximo tribunicia potestatePONT MAX TRIB POT for pontifici maximo tribunicia potestate
IMPimperatoriIMP for imperatori
COSconsuliCOS for consuli
CENS PERPETcensori perpetuoCENS PERPET for censori perpetuo
PUBpublicaPUB for publica