A total of 9 abbreviation clusters in TM 385819 (click here to see all cluster components)

Text details
Publication CIL III Suppl. 1 6715
Provenance Jordan, Palestina - Pella (Tabaqat Fahl) [found & written]
Date AD 162
All abbreviation clusters:
Abbreviation cluster Abbreviated words cluster Combination
IMPImperatorIMP for Imperator
MMarcusM for Marcus
AUG P M TRIB POTAugustus pontifex maximus tribunicia potestateAUG P M TRIB POT for Augustus pontifex maximus tribunicia potestate
COSconsulCOS for consul
IMPimperatorIMP for imperator
LLuciusL for Lucius
AUG TRIB POTAugustus tribunicia potestateAUG TRIB POT for Augustus tribunicia potestate
COSconsulCOS for consul
LEG PR PRlegatum pro praetoreLEG PR PR for legatum pro praetore