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» 8 examples of this combination of abbreviation and abbreviated word in Latin inscriptions (alternatives):

All attestations for this combination
Abbreviation Abbreviated word Abbreviation cluster Abbreviated words cluster TM Text Full text
CAMILCamiliaTI F CAMILTiberi filio Camilia579107EDCS
CAMILCamiliaP F CAMILPubli filii Camilia555650EDCS
CAMILCamiliaL F CAMILLuci filius Camilia289854EDCS
CAMILCamiliaC F CAMILCai filio Camilia273948EDCS
CAMILCamiliaC F CAMIL SUPER C FCai filii Camilia Superi Cai filiae258969EDCS
CAMILCamiliaDOM CAMILdomo Camilia156611EDCS
CAMILCamiliaL F CAMILLuci filius Camilia0EDCS