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» 8 examples of this combination of abbreviation and abbreviated word in Latin inscriptions (alternatives):

All attestations for this combination
Abbreviation Abbreviated word Abbreviation cluster Abbreviated words cluster TM Text Full text
CONSLconsulePP AG CONSLperpetuo Augusto consule552266EDCS
CONSLconsuleCONSL PATconsule patricius521441EDCS
CONSLconsuleCONSL IND QUINTEconsule indictionis quintae517044EDCS
CONSLconsuleC CONSLclarissimo consule503564EDCS
CONSLconsuleCONSL PPconsule perpetuo259744EDCS
CONSLconsuleV C CONSLviro clarissimo consule259638EDCS
CONSLconsuleV C CONSLviro clarissimo consule259638EDCS