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» 16 examples of this combination of abbreviation and abbreviated word in Latin inscriptions (alternatives):

All attestations for this combination
Abbreviation Abbreviated word Abbreviation cluster Abbreviated words cluster TM Text Full text
GEGeC BOV GECai Bovi Ge613501EDCS
GEGeC BOV GECai Bovi Ge613500EDCS
GEGeC BOV GECai Bovi Ge613499EDCS
GEGeC BOV GECai Bovi Ge613498EDCS
GEGeC BOV GECai Bovi Ge613497EDCS
GEGeC BOV GECai Bovi Ge613496EDCS
GEGeC BOV GECai Bovi Ge613495EDCS
GEGeGE TIGe Tiberius579265EDCS
GEGeGE FLA D DGe Fla donum dederunt560895EDCS
GEGeC BOV GECai Bovi Ge507354EDCS
GEGeC BOV GECai Bovi Ge507352EDCS
GEGeOFFI GEOfficina Ge444563EDCS
GEGeSULP VALENTIN GE IAUARIUS ALFSulpicius Valentinnus Ge Ianuarius Alfius205799EDCS
GEGeCE GE FLA D DCe Ge flamen donum dedit0EDCS