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» 22 examples of this combination of abbreviation and abbreviated word in Latin inscriptions (alternatives):

All attestations for this combination
Abbreviation Abbreviated word Abbreviation cluster Abbreviated words cluster TM Text Full text
HEheresHE PON CUR AMIheres ponendum curavit amico517251EDCS
HEheresH S E HE F C S T T Lhic situs est heres faciendum curavit sit tibi terra levis409917EDCS
HEheresHE F Cheres faciendum curavit408755EDCS
HEheresH S E HE P Phic situs est heres pius posuit366339EDCS
HEheresSEC HE F Csecundus heres faciendum curavit338138EDCS
HEheresS S HE Tsuo sepulcrum heres testamento243892EDCS
HEheresHE Fheres fecit215214EDCS
HEheresSEC HE SEPUL F Csecundus heres sepulturam faciundam curavit204154EDCS
HEheresHE POheres posuit203987EDCS
HEheresC F HE POSCai filius heres posuit195066EDCS
HEheresHE F Cheres faciendum curavit191436EDCS
HEheresTHRA HE B M PThracum heres bene merentibus posuit190818EDCS
HEheresSEC HE B M Psecundus heres bene merenti posuerunt179651EDCS
HEheresH S E HE C E Thic situs est heres curavit ex testamento167233EDCS
HEheresHE B M Fheres bene merenti fecit0EDCS