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» 9 examples of this combination of abbreviation and abbreviated word in Latin inscriptions (alternatives):

All attestations for this combination
Abbreviation Abbreviated word Abbreviation cluster Abbreviated words cluster TM Text Full text
MESmensorCOS MESconsulibus mensor281212EDCS
MESmensorMES Cmensor Caius281212EDCS
MESmensorCOS MES Pconsulibus mensor Publius281212EDCS
MESmensorMES FRUM Lmensor frumentarius Lucius205499EDCS
MESmensorTUR ANIC V3IAN MES CHORTISturma Anici V3iani mensor cohortis203181EDCS
MESmensorCOS MESconsulibus mensor0EDCS
MESmensorMES Cmensor Caius0EDCS
MESmensorCOS MES Pconsulibus mensor Publius0EDCS