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» 8 examples of this combination of abbreviation and abbreviated word in Latin inscriptions (alternatives):

All attestations for this combination
Abbreviation Abbreviated word Abbreviation cluster Abbreviated words cluster TM Text Full text
POLPolaeHARUSP PUBL DEC POLharuspex publicus decurio Polae562435EDCS
POLPolaeAUG POLAugustali Polae555930EDCS
POLPolaeAUGUSTAL POLAugustalis Polae555665EDCS
POLPolaePOL CONI PIENT B MPolae coniugi pientissimo bene merenti555663EDCS
POLPolaeAED IIVIR I D POLaedilis IIviri iure dicundo Polae555650EDCS
POLPolaeHARUSP PUBL DEC POLharuspex publicus decurio Polae0EDCS