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» 31 examples of this abbreviation cluster in Latin inscriptions:

All attestations for this combination (for the components, go via "Combined with")
Abbreviation cluster Abbreviated words cluster TM Text Date Provenance Context Other clusters Full text
VVmilia538971BC01Italy, Latium - Cora (Cori)Combined withEDCS
VVmilia518105AD02Italy, Aemilia - VeleiaCombined withEDCS
VVmilia518105AD02Italy, Aemilia - VeleiaCombined withEDCS
VVmilia518105AD02Italy, Aemilia - VeleiaCombined withEDCS
VVmilia518105AD02Italy, Aemilia - VeleiaCombined withEDCS
VVmilia518105AD02Italy, Aemilia - VeleiaCombined withEDCS
VVmilia518105AD02Italy, Aemilia - VeleiaCombined withEDCS
VVmilia518105AD02Italy, Aemilia - VeleiaCombined withEDCS
VVmilia518105AD02Italy, Aemilia - VeleiaCombined withEDCS
VVmilia518105AD02Italy, Aemilia - VeleiaCombined withEDCS
VVmilia514561AD02Italy, Apulia - Ligures Baebiani (Circello)Combined withEDCS
VVmilia514561AD02Italy, Apulia - Ligures Baebiani (Circello)Combined withEDCS
VVmilia514561AD02Italy, Apulia - Ligures Baebiani (Circello)Combined withEDCS
VVmilia513908BC02 - AD08Italy, Apulia - Teanum Apulum (San Paolo di Civitate)Combined withEDCS
VVmilia511275BC02 - AD08Italy, Etruria - ViterboCombined withEDCS
VVmilia498521AD01 - AD02Italy, Umbria - Interamna Nahars (Terni)Combined withEDCS
VVmilia478162BC02 - AD08France, Gallia - Condatomagus (La Graufesenque)Combined withEDCS
VVmilia478068BC02 - AD08France, Gallia - Condatomagus (La Graufesenque)Combined withEDCS
VVmilia478061BC02 - AD08France, Gallia - Condatomagus (La Graufesenque)Combined withEDCS
VVmilia478055BC02 - AD08France, Gallia - Condatomagus (La Graufesenque)Combined withEDCS
VVmilia419275BC02 - AD08Germany, Gallia - Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium (Köln)Combined withEDCS
VVmilia270825BC01Italy, Latium - RomeCombined withEDCS
VVmilia260755AD02Italy, Picenum - Auximum (Osimo)Combined withEDCS
VVmilia253823AD01Italy, Campania - Capriglia (?)Combined withEDCS
VVmilia253756BC01 - AD01Italy, Campania - Surrentum (Sorrento)Combined withEDCS
VVmilia252861BC01Italy, Campania - Casilinum (Capua)Combined withEDCS
VVmilia249902BC02 - AD08Italy, Latium - FrascatiCombined withEDCS
VVmilia224760BC02 - AD08Spain, Hispania - Irni (El Saucejo)Combined withEDCS
VVmilia223052AD01Spain, Hispania - Urso (Osuna)Combined withEDCS
VVmilia213914BC02 - AD08France, Gallia - Condatomagus (La Graufesenque)Combined withEDCS
VVmilia200514BC02 - AD08Tunisia, Africa - Thuburbo Maius (Henchir Khasbat)Combined withEDCS