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» 24 examples of this abbreviation cluster in Latin inscriptions:

All attestations for this combination (for the components, go via "Combined with")
Abbreviation cluster Abbreviated words cluster TM Text Date Provenance Context Other clusters Full text
GGaio462816BC02 - AD08France, Gallia - ChamplieuCombined withEDCS
GGaio426444BC02 - AD08Germany, KleestadtCombined withEDCS
GGaio403915BC02 - AD08Slovenia, Noricum - ČrešnjevecCombined withEDCS
GGaio328262BC02 - AD07Algeria, Numidia - Cirta (Constantine)Combined withEDCS
GGaio286521BC02 - AD08Italy, Umbria - Forum Flaminii (San Giovanni Profiamma)Combined withEDCS
GGaio282203BC01Italy, Samnium - Trebula Suffenas (Ciciliano)Combined withEDCS
GGaio263098AD01Italy, Latium - RomeCombined withEDCS
GGaio236768BC02 - AD03Spain, Hispania - Barcino (Barcelona)Combined withEDCS
GGaio233287BC02 - AD08Spain, Hispania - Vicus Spacorum (Vigo)Combined withEDCS
GGaio232777BC02 - AD08Spain, Hispania - Saguntum (Sagunto)Combined withEDCS
GGaio231559BC02 - AD08Spain, Hispania - Segisamo (Sasamón)Combined withEDCS
GGaio231559BC02 - AD08Spain, Hispania - Segisamo (Sasamón)Combined withEDCS
GGaio231559BC02 - AD08Spain, Hispania - Segisamo (Sasamón)Combined withEDCS
GGaio227324AD01 - AD03Spain, Hispania - RiósCombined withEDCS
GGaio226859BC02 - AD08Spain, Hispania - Valeria (Las Valeras)Combined withEDCS
GGaio222825BC02 - AD08Spain, Hispania - Anticaria (Antequera)Combined withEDCS
GGaio222779BC02 - AD08Spain, Hispania - Osqua (Villanueva de la Concepción)Combined withEDCS
GGaio222778BC02 - AD08Spain, Hispania - Osqua (Villanueva de la Concepción)Combined withEDCS
GGaio222707BC02 - AD08Spain, Hispania - Urgavo Alba (Arjona)Combined withEDCS
GGaio221164BC02 - AD08Spain, Hispania - Palomares del RíoCombined withEDCS
GGaio184004AD01 - AD02Croatia, Illyricum - Salona (Solin)Combined withEDCS
GGaio183039AD02Croatia, Illyricum - Salona (Solin)Combined withEDCS
GGaio176616BC02 - AD08Turkey, Paphlagonia - AricaCombined withEDCS
GGaio167775BC01 - AD11United Kingdom, Britannia - Luguvalium (Carlisle)Combined withEDCS