The abbreviation cluster AUG P M TRIB POT for Augusto pontifici maximo tribunicia potestate occurs 21 times.

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All solutions for the abbreviation cluster AUG P M TRIB POT
Abbreviation cluster Abbreviated word cluster Frequency
AUG P M TRIB POT Augusto pontifici maximo tribunicia potestate 21
AUG P M TRIB POT Augustus pontifex maximus tribunicia potestate 12
AUG P M TRIB POT Augusti pontificis maximi tribunicia potestate 6
AUG P M TRIB POT Augustum pontificem maximum tribunicia potestate 2
AUG P M TRIB POT Augusto Parthico maximo tribunicia potestate 1
AUG P M TRIB POT Augusto pontifice maximo tribunicia potestate 1