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Bibliographical annotations for TM Tex 194345

SourceType referenceTitleDateText identification
EDH B015287 bibliography: summary (2) Kovács, B., P. - Lőrincz, IV. Inscriptiones - feliratok. 2007 CIL 03, 03342
EDH B006195 bibliography: summary (3) Alföldy, G., Die Großen Götter von Gorsium. 1997 AE 1997, 1279
EDH B006992 bibliography: summary (2) Tóth, I., Problems of the Dolichenus altar in Gorsium (Comments on the history of Syrian cults in the age of Septimius Severus). 1978 AE 1944, 0086a
EDH B004088 bibliography: summary (2) Fitz, J., The excavations in Gorsium. 1972 AE 1944, 0086a
EDH B004703 bibliography: summary (2) Fitz, J., Le iscrizioni del capitolium di Gorsium. 1971 AE 1944, 0086a
EDH B006392 bibliography: summary (2) Fitz, J., Diana templom Gorsiumban? 1961 AE 1944, 0086a
EDH B003095 bibliography: summary (2) Fitz, J., Der Besuch des Septimius Severus in Pannonien im Jahre 202 u.Z. 1959 AE 1944, 0086a
EDH B006657 bibliography: summary (3) Merlat, P., Répertoire des inscriptions et monuments figurées du culte de Jupiter Dolichenus. 1951 AE 1944, 0086a