Fayum Project

The Fayum Project was sponsored by the Onderzoeksraad of the University of Leuven (K.U.Leuven) between 1998 and 2002. The project was directed by Willy Clarysse and Katelijn Vandorpe (Dept. of Classics, Research Unit Ancient History).
The data were processed by Hans Proost, Inge Uytterhoeven, Bart Van Beek and Herbert Verreth.
Programming of the FileMaker Pro database and MySQL database was done by Bart Van Beek; PHP and MySQL programming by Jeroen Clarysse and Bart Van Beek.


The K.U.Leuven Fayum project is first and foremost a gazetteer of places in the ancient Arsinoite nome, as the Fayum area was called in the Graeco-Roman Period (ca; 300 BC - AD 700). We present here an online database, with information about ca. 200 ancient villages and cities.


Apart from the summary information about each village, we also have full-text descriptions of most villages, with links to online resources (papyri, persons, archives,...). These links are provided through close collaboration with the Trismegistos framework.


When we know where an ancient village was located in the Fayum, a link to Google Maps is given; some village are also plotted on a map we have drawn specifically for the Fayum project