TM 18636
(text of of September 2016)
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1 [--------------------]NA of _ (no translation available)
00 σκάφη of σκάφος ("ship") σ̣υ̣γ̣χ̣ώ̣ρ̣η̣σ̣ι̣ς̣ of συγχώρησις ("contract of cession")
→ ḍọṭṭẹḍ letters indicate characters that are legible in context only
1 [--------------------]NA of _ (no translation available)
00 Ἀσκληπιάδηςnom, person's name, reference to Asklepiades (TM Per 263344) Ἀρείουgen, father's name, reference to Areios (TM Per 317184) Νεικηφόροςnom, person's name, reference to Nikephoros (TM Per 263345) τὸν of ὁ ("the") τοῦ of ὁ ("the") νο̣μ̣οῦ of νομός ("law")
→ ḍọṭṭẹḍ letters indicate characters that are legible in context only ἀμ̣φοδάρχ(ην) of ἀμφοδάρχης ("head of a city district")
→ round brackets ( ) embrace text that has been abbreviated
→ ḍọṭṭẹḍ letters indicate characters that are legible in context only
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