TM 1946
(text of of September 2016)
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1 Ζή̣[ν]ωνιdat, person's name, reference to Zenon (TM Per 1757) χαίρεινinfinitive.pres.act of χαίρω ("rejoice, greet") Πύρωνnom, person's name, reference to Pyron (TM Per 3416).punctuation (not present in the original)2 βουλόμενος of βούλομαι ("want") ἀξιῶσαίinfinitive.aor.act of ἀξιόω ("ask") σε of σύ ("you") παλαίτερον of παλαιός ("old in years")
3 περὶpreposition περί ("about") χαλκῶν of χάλκεος ("of copper or bronze") εἰςpreposition εἰς ("into") μήκωνος of μήκων ("poppy")
4 συναγορασμόν of συναγορασμός ("buying up"),punctuation (not present in the original) διαισχυνόμενος of διαισχύνομαι (no translation available)
5 καὶcoordinator of καί ("and") πλείους of πολύς ("many") προσπορευομένους of προσπορεύομαι ("go to, approach")
6 ἀπείρημαι of ἀπολέγω ("pick out from").punctuation (not present in the original) καλῶςadverb of καλός ("beautiful") οὖνparticle οὖν ("thus, therefore; certainly")
7 ποιήσεις of ποιέω ("make, do"),punctuation (not present in the original) ὅπωςconjunction ὅπως ("in order that"),punctuation (not present in the original) ἐὰνconjunction ἐάν ("if") καταπλέηις of καταπλέω ("sail north")
8 εἰςpreposition εἰς ("into") τὴν of ὁ ("the") πενταετηρίδα of πενταετηρίς ("lustrum"),punctuation (not present in the original)
9 εὐσχημόνως̣adverb of εὐσχήμων ("gentleman")
→ ḍọṭṭẹḍ letters indicate characters that are legible in context only συγκαταπλ̣έ̣ of συγκαταπλέω (""sail into port with"")
10 ωμέν of συγκαταπλέω (""sail into port with"") σοι of σύ ("you"),punctuation (not present in the original) βοη̣θήσας of βοηθέω ("help")
→ ḍọṭṭẹḍ letters indicate characters that are legible in context only ἡμ̣ῖν of ἐγώ ("I, me")
→ ḍọṭṭẹḍ letters indicate characters that are legible in context only
11 πάντωςadverb of πάντως ("in all ways") εἰςpreposition εἰς ("into") ἀρ(τάβας) of ἀρτάβη ("artaba")
→ round brackets ( ) embrace text that has been abbreviated ρνnumeral ρν (150),punctuation (not present in the original) ἣν of ὅς ("who, what (relative)") ὑπὸpreposition ὑπό ("by (by-agent)")
12 χέρα*asterisk indicates error or non-standard form for the correct χείρα: of χείρον (no translation available) σοι of σύ ("you") ἀπομετρήσω of ἀπομετρέω ("measure out, pay (in grain)") κατὰpreposition κατά ("downwards, against") ἀρ(τάβας) of ἀρτάβη ("artaba")
→ round brackets ( ) embrace text that has been abbreviated λnumeral λ (30).punctuation (not present in the original)
13 ἀξιοῦμεν of ἀξιόω ("ask") δέcoordinator of δέ ("but") σε of σύ ("you") τοῦτο of οὗτος ("this, that") οὐχadverb of οὐ ("not") ἕ-preposition ἕνεκα (""on account of"")
14 νεκενpreposition ἕνεκα (""on account of"") τοῦ of ὁ ("the") ἰδίου of ἴδιος ("one's own") μόνονadverb of μόνον ("only"),punctuation (not present in the original) ἀλλὰcoordinator of ἀλλά ("but")
15 καὶcoordinator of καί ("and") τοῦ of ὁ ("the") εἰςpreposition εἰς ("into") τοὺς of ὁ ("the") χάρτας of χάρτης ("papyrus") ἀνη̣ of ἀνάλωμα (""expense"")
16 [λώμα]τ[ος] of ἀνάλωμα (""expense"") [---]NA of _ (no translation available)
17 [--------------------]
NA of _ (no translation available)
αἰτεῖνinfinitive.pres.act of αἰτέω ("ask") σε of σύ ("you").punctuation (not present in the original) ποίησον of ποιέω ("make, do") οὖνparticle οὖν ("thus, therefore; certainly")18 ἡμῖν of ἐγώ ("I, me") πάντωςadverb of πάντως ("in all ways").punctuation (not present in the original) καλῶςadverb of καλός ("beautiful") δὲcoordinator of δέ ("but")
19 ποιήσεις of ποιέω ("make, do") καὶcoordinator of καί ("and") περὶpreposition περί ("about") γηιδίου of γῄδιον ("plot of land")
20 φροντίσας of φροντίζω ("consider, take care of"),punctuation (not present in the original) ὃ of ὅς ("who, what (relative)") σπείροντες of σπείρω ("sow")
21 διευσχημονήσομεν of διευσχημονέω ("preserve decorum") σέ of σύ ("you") τεcoordinator of τε ("both ... and")
22 \οὐκ/adverb of οὐ ("not")
→ slashes \ / embrace texts that are written above the line \ἐνοχλήσομεν/ of ἐνοχλέω ("trouble")
→ slashes \ / embrace texts that are written above the line \τὸν/ of ὁ ("the")
→ slashes \ / embrace texts that are written above the line
23 πλείω of πολύς ("many") χρόνον of χρόνος ("time") τοῦτον of οὗτος ("this, that") τὸν of ὁ ("the")
24 σπόρον of σπόρος ("harvest, crop") χορηγήσαντα of χορηγέω ("supply, furnish").punctuation (not present in the original)
25 εὐτύχει of εὐτυχέω ("to be prosperous").punctuation (not present in the original)
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