TM 31087
(text of of September 2016)
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1 [---]πέμψαςNA of _ (no translation available) αὐτῆς of αὐτός ("self; him, her (declined cases)")2 [---]νNA of _ (no translation available) εἰςpreposition εἰς ("into") τὸ of ὁ ("the") ἑξῆςadverb of ἑξῆς ("next") μνGAP of _ (no translation available)
3 [---]NA of _ (no translation available) ἀλλαGAP of _ ("force-meat, sausage or black-pudding") πρὸςpreposition πρός ("to, about") ταυηGAP of _ (no translation available)
4 [---]αιNA of _ (no translation available) τοὺς of ὁ ("the") ἡμῶν of ἐγώ ("I, me")
5 [---]ανNA of _ (no translation available) ἐρρῶσθαί of ῥώννυμι ("be strong; greetings (imperative)") σε of σύ ("you") εὔχο(μαι) of εὔχομαι ("pray, wish")
→ round brackets ( ) embrace text that has been abbreviated
1 [---]ραιNA of _ (no translation available)2 τὰ of ὁ ("the") λοιπὰ of λοιπός ("remaining, rest") ψnumeral ͵ψ (700) [---]NA of _ (no translation available)
3 πλουνGAP of _ (no translation available) α(…)NA of _ (no translation available)
→ round brackets ( ) embrace text that has been abbreviated [---]NA of _ (no translation available)
4 ἵναconjunction ἵνα ("so that") πάλινadverb of πάλιν ("back, again") [---]NA of _ (no translation available)
5 τοῦ of ὁ ("the") ἐλαίου of ἔλαιον ("olive-oil, oil") [---]NA of _ (no translation available)
6 μὴadverb of μή ("not") εὑρηκ[---]NA of _ (no translation available)
7 ἐπεγράφη of ἐπιγράφω ("write upon, ") ει[---]NA of _ (no translation available)
8 τ[.]ιχουςNA of _ (no translation available) μ[---]NA of _ (no translation available)
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