TM 76925
(text of of September 2016)
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1 Ψεναμούνιοςnom, person's name, reference to Psenamounis (TM Per 124055) Πεκύσιοςgen, father's name, reference to Pekysis (TM Per 124056)2 προστάτης of προστάτης ("director, administrator") θεοῦ of θεός ("god") ὁμολ(όγῳ) of ὁμόλογος ("agreeing")
→ round brackets ( ) embrace text that has been abbreviated
3 Πιβούχιdat, person's name, reference to Peteharnouphis alias Pibouchis (TM Per 124145) Πετεήσιοςgen, father's name, reference to Peteesis (TM Per 332466) χαίρε(ιν)infinitive.pres.act of χαίρω ("rejoice, greet")
→ round brackets ( ) embrace text that has been abbreviated.punctuation (not present in the original)
4 ἀπέχω of ἀπέχω ("receive") παρὰpreposition παρά ("beside; from (+gen.)") σοῦ of σύ ("you") (δραχμὰς) of δραχμή ("drachme (weight or money)")
→ round brackets ( ) embrace text that has been abbreviated δὀβο-asterisk indicates error or non-standard form for the correct δ|digit=4|ὀβολοὺς: of δὀβολός ("4")
5 λοὶ*asterisk indicates error or non-standard form for the correct δ|digit=4|ὀβολοὺς: of δὀβολός ("4") βnumeral β (2) τὴν of ὁ ("the") λογείαν of λογεία ("collection (taxation)") τοῦ of ὁ ("the")
6 θεοῦ of θεός ("god") περὶpreposition περί ("about") τῶν of ὁ ("the") δημοσίω[ν] of δημόσιος ("public")
→ square brackets [ ] embrace text that is lost but has been reconstructed.punctuation (not present in the original)
7 (ἔτους) of ἔτος ("year")
→ round brackets ( ) embrace text that has been abbreviated ἐνάτου of ἔνατος ("ninth") Νέρωνος
8 τοῦ of ὁ ("the") κυρίου of κύριος ("lord, master, guardian") Μεσορὴ ιαnumeral ια (11).punctuation (not present in the original)
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