TM 77378
(text of of September 2016)
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1 μέ(τρημα) of μέτρημα ("ration")→ round brackets ( ) embrace text that has been abbreviated θησ(αυροῦ) of θησαυρός ("treasury")
→ round brackets ( ) embrace text that has been abbreviated μη(τροπόλεως) of μητρόπολις ("metropolis, chief town")
→ round brackets ( ) embrace text that has been abbreviated γενή(ματος) of γένημα ("produce")
→ round brackets ( ) embrace text that has been abbreviated καnumeral κα (21) (ἔτους) of ἔτος ("year")
→ round brackets ( ) embrace text that has been abbreviated Ἀντωνίνου
2 Καίσαρος τοῦ of ὁ ("the") κυρίου of κύριος ("lord, master, guardian") Παῦ(νι) ιζnumeral ιζ (17) ὑπ(ὲρ)preposition ὑπέρ ("over, concerning")
→ round brackets ( ) embrace text that has been abbreviated Ἀγο(ρῶν)reference to Ἀγοραί (TM Geo 3101: U04b - Agorai)
3 ὀνό(ματος) of ὄνομα ("name")
→ round brackets ( ) embrace text that has been abbreviated Ταναμέωςgen, person's name, reference to Tanameus (TM Per 300832) Πικῶτο(ς)gen, father's name, reference to Pikos (TM Per 333072) διὰpreposition διά ("through, because of") γ(εωργοῦ) of γεωργός ("farmer")
→ round brackets ( ) embrace text that has been abbreviated
4 Πετοσίριο(ς)gen, person's name, reference to Petosiris (TM Per 300872) Ψενσενύριο(ς)gen, father's name, reference to Psensenyris (TM Per 333089) καὶcoordinator of καί ("and") (μετόχων) of μέτοχος ("partner")
→ round brackets ( ) embrace text that has been abbreviated (πυροῦ) of πυρός ("wheat")
→ round brackets ( ) embrace text that has been abbreviated
5 τρεῖς of τρεῖς ("three") ἕκτο(ν) of ἕκτος ("sixth")
→ round brackets ( ) embrace text that has been abbreviated (γίνονται) of γίγνομαι ("come into being; become; makes in totla (3rd pers.)")
→ round brackets ( ) embrace text that has been abbreviated (πυροῦ) of πυρός ("wheat")
→ round brackets ( ) embrace text that has been abbreviated γnumeral γ ("three, third, thrice") ϛ´numeral ϛ´ (1/6).punctuation (not present in the original) Σαβ(ῖνος)nom, person's name, reference to Sabinus (TM Per 124098) σεση(μείωμαι) of σημειόω ("sign, mark, provide signature")
→ round brackets ( ) embrace text that has been abbreviated.punctuation (not present in the original)
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