TM 77380
(text of of September 2016)
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1 μέ(τρημα) of μέτρημα ("ration")→ round brackets ( ) embrace text that has been abbreviated θη(σαυροῦ) of θησαυρός ("treasury")
→ round brackets ( ) embrace text that has been abbreviated μη(τροπόλεως) of μητρόπολις ("metropolis, chief town")
→ round brackets ( ) embrace text that has been abbreviated γενή(ματος) of γένημα ("produce")
→ round brackets ( ) embrace text that has been abbreviated καnumeral κα (21) (ἔτους) of ἔτος ("year")
→ round brackets ( ) embrace text that has been abbreviated [Ἀντωνίνου]
2 Καίσαρος τοῦ of ὁ ("the") κυρίου of κύριος ("lord, master, guardian") Π[αῦνι] [..]NA of _ (no translation available)
3 ὑπ(ὲρ)preposition ὑπέρ ("over, concerning")
→ round brackets ( ) embrace text that has been abbreviated Ἀγο(ρῶν)reference to Ἀγοραί (TM Geo 3101: U04b - Agorai) ὀνό(ματος) of ὄνομα ("name")
→ round brackets ( ) embrace text that has been abbreviated Ψενα̣[....]NA of _ (no translation available)
→ ḍọṭṭẹḍ letters indicate characters that are legible in context only
4 Σεσόνχιο(ς)gen, father's name, reference to Sesonchis (TM Per 333074) (διὰ)preposition διά ("through, because of")
→ round brackets ( ) embrace text that has been abbreviated NA of _ (no translation available) γ(εωργοῦ) of γεωργός ("farmer")
→ round brackets ( ) embrace text that has been abbreviated Ἀμενρώσ[ιος]
5 (πυροῦ) of πυρός ("wheat")
→ round brackets ( ) embrace text that has been abbreviated πέντεnumeral πέντε ("five") (γίνονται) of γίγνομαι ("come into being; become; makes in totla (3rd pers.)")
→ round brackets ( ) embrace text that has been abbreviated (πυροῦ) of πυρός ("wheat")
→ round brackets ( ) embrace text that has been abbreviated εnumeral ε (5).punctuation (not present in the original) Σαβ(ῖνος)nom, person's name, reference to Sabinus (TM Per 124098) σ(εσ)η(μείωμαι) of σημειόω ("sign, mark, provide signature")
→ round brackets ( ) embrace text that has been abbreviated.punctuation (not present in the original)
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