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Abbreviation | TM Abbreviation | # editions ⇵ | Range | Example |
Manganaro, Le iscrizioni delle isole Milesie | convert to TM abbreviation | TM | this abbreviation is not used in TM | e.g. |
'Alon mahleqat ha-'atiqot šel medinat Jisra'el | convert to TM abbreviation | TM | this abbreviation is not used in TM | e.g. |
175 Joar Harmonie Municipale Grevenmacher | convert to TM abbreviation | 2 | (year 2010) | e.g. 175 Joar Harmonie Municipale Grevenmacher p. 125 |
1as Jornadas de Historia Local Tíjola | convert to TM abbreviation | 1 | (year 1993) | e.g. 1as Jornadas de Historia Local Tíjola (1993), Aug. |
50 Years of Polish excavations in Egypt and the Near East | convert to TM abbreviation | 2 | (year 1992-2002) | e.g. 50 Years of Polish excavations in Egypt and the Near East p. 215-216 |
A catalogue of the manuscripts preserved in the library of the University of Cambridge | convert to TM abbreviation | 1 | (year 1856) | e.g. A catalogue of the manuscripts preserved in the library of the University of Cambridge p. 313-314 |
A Companion to Ancient Thrace | convert to TM abbreviation | 1 | (year 2015) | e.g. A Companion to Ancient Thrace p. 245 |
A corpus of christian Palestinian Aramaic | convert to TM abbreviation | 58 | from volume 1 to volume 5 (year 1996-1999) | e.g. A corpus of christian Palestinian Aramaic 2 A p. 71-72 |
A Debreceni Déri múzeum évkönyve | convert to TM abbreviation | TM | this abbreviation is not used in TM | e.g. |
A descriptive catalogue of the medieval manuscripts in Worcester Cathedral library, | convert to TM abbreviation | 5 | (year 2001) | e.g. A descriptive catalogue of the medieval manuscripts in Worcester Cathedral library, p. xx (Add. 1) |
A Móra Ferenc múzeum évkönyve | convert to TM abbreviation | TM | this abbreviation is not used in TM | e.g. |
A multiform heritage. Studies on early judaism and christianity in honor of Robert A. Kraft | convert to TM abbreviation | 1 | (year 1999) | e.g. A multiform heritage. Studies on early judaism and christianity in honor of Robert A. Kraft p. 245-262 |
A passion for antiquities. Ancient art from the collection of Barbara and Lawrence Fleischman. The Paul Getty Museum | convert to TM abbreviation | 1 | (year 1994) | e.g. A passion for antiquities. Ancient art from the collection of Barbara and Lawrence Fleischman. The Paul Getty Museum p. 336 no. 178 |
A sanctuary of Zeus on Mount Hymettos (Hesperia Suppl. 16) | convert to TM abbreviation | 168 | (year 1976) | e.g. A sanctuary of Zeus on Mount Hymettos (Hesperia Suppl. 16) p. 13 no. 1 |
A Szekszárdi Béri Balogh Ádám Múzeum évkönyve | convert to TM abbreviation | 8 | volume 10 (year 1979) | e.g. A Szekszárdi Béri Balogh Ádám Múzeum évkönyve 10 - 11 (1979-1980), p. 59-60 no. 1 |
A tribute to Arthur Vööbus | convert to TM abbreviation | 1 | (year 1977) | e.g. A tribute to Arthur Vööbus p. 295-307 |
A Veszprém megyei múzeumok közleményei | convert to TM abbreviation | 4 | volume 19 (year 1993) | e.g. A Veszprém megyei múzeumok közleményei 19 - 20 (1993-1994), p. 146-148 no. 7 |
A Wosinsky Mór Múzeum évkönyve | convert to TM abbreviation | 2 | volume 20 (year 1998) | e.g. A Wosinsky Mór Múzeum évkönyve 20 (1998), p. 7-18 |
A.D. 79. The Art of Ancient Rome. Catalogo della mostra (Taguchi 2010) | convert to TM abbreviation | 1 | number 50 (year 2013) | e.g. A.D. 79. The Art of Ancient Rome. Catalogo della mostra (Taguchi 2010) 50 |
Aʹ Panellenio Synedrio Epigraphikes sten mneme D. Kanatsoule | convert to TM abbreviation | 40 | (year 2001) | e.g. Aʹ Panellenio Synedrio Epigraphikes sten mneme D. Kanatsoule p. 142-145 no. 3 |
Aachener Kunstblätter | convert to TM abbreviation | 1 | volume 32 (year 1966) | e.g. Aachener Kunstblätter 32 (1966), p. 46-53 |
Aarbøger for nordisk oldkyndighed og historie | convert to TM abbreviation | TM | this abbreviation is not used in TM | e.g. |
AAWL Mainz - GSK | convert to TM abbreviation | 1 | (year 1954) | e.g. AAWL Mainz - GSK (1954), 7, p. 310-320 |
Abad / Abascal, Textos para la historia de Alicante. Edad antigua (THA) | convert to TM abbreviation | 6 | from number 75 to number 112 (year 1991) | e.g. Abad / Abascal, Textos para la historia de Alicante. Edad antigua (THA) ID 19 |
Abad Casal, La pintura romana en España | convert to TM abbreviation | 1 | (year 1982) | e.g. Abad Casal, La pintura romana en España p. 78-79 & 419 |
Abamelek-Lazarev, Djerash [in Russian] | convert to TM abbreviation | 3 | (year 1897) | e.g. Abamelek-Lazarev, Djerash [in Russian] p. 40 no. 5, pl. 14 |
Abascal / Alföldy / Cebrián, Segobriga V. Inscripciones romanas 1986-2010 | convert to TM abbreviation | 1 | volume 1, number 400 (year 2011) | e.g. Abascal / Alföldy / Cebrián, Segobriga V. Inscripciones romanas 1986-2010 1 400 |
Abascal / Alföldy, Inscripciones romanas de la provincia de Toledo (siglos I-III) | convert to TM abbreviation | 160 | from number 2 to number 273 (year 2015) | e.g. Abascal / Alföldy, Inscripciones romanas de la provincia de Toledo (siglos I-III) 15 * |
Abascal / Gimeno, Epigrafía hispánica (EpH) | convert to TM abbreviation | 38 | from number 17 to number 503 (year 2000) | e.g. Abascal / Gimeno, Epigrafía hispánica (EpH) 188 |
Abascal / Ramallo, DECarthago Nova | convert to TM abbreviation | 229 | from number 1 to number 229 (year 1997) | e.g. Abascal / Ramallo, DECarthago Nova 203 |
Abascal e.a., ILSegobriga V | convert to TM abbreviation | 438 | from number 1 to number 436 (year 2011) | e.g. Abascal e.a., ILSegobriga V 4 |
Abascal e.a., Segobriga 2009. Resumen de las intervenciones arqueológicas | convert to TM abbreviation | 3 | (year 2010) | e.g. Abascal e.a., Segobriga 2009. Resumen de las intervenciones arqueológicas p. 79 |
Abascal Palazón / Alföldy (ed.), El arco romano de Medinaceli (Soria, Hispania Citerior) | convert to TM abbreviation | 1 | (year 2002) | e.g. Abascal Palazón / Alföldy (ed.), El arco romano de Medinaceli (Soria, Hispania Citerior) |
Abascal Palazón, Vías de comunicación romanas de la provincia de Guadalajara | convert to TM abbreviation | 11 | (year 1982) | e.g. Abascal Palazón, Vías de comunicación romanas de la provincia de Guadalajara p. 54 [635] |
Abascal, Inscripciones romanas y celtibéricas en los manuscritos de Fidel Fita | convert to TM abbreviation | 2 | (year 1994) | e.g. Abascal, Inscripciones romanas y celtibéricas en los manuscritos de Fidel Fita p. 388-389 |
Abascal, IRPAlbacete | convert to TM abbreviation | 71 | from number 1 to number 51 (year 1990) | e.g. Abascal, IRPAlbacete 2 |
Abásolo / García, Carta arqueológica de la provincia de Burgos. Salas de los Infantes | convert to TM abbreviation | 2 | (year 1980) | e.g. Abásolo / García, Carta arqueológica de la provincia de Burgos. Salas de los Infantes p. 116 no. 7 |
Abásolo e.a., Los monumentos funerarios de época romana, en forma de casa, de la región de Poza de la Sal (Bureba, Burgos) | convert to TM abbreviation | 1 | (year 1975) | e.g. Abásolo e.a., Los monumentos funerarios de época romana, en forma de casa, de la región de Poza de la Sal (Bureba, Burgos) p. 25- no. 16 |
Abásolo, Epigrafía romana de la región de Lara de los Infantes (ERLara) | convert to TM abbreviation | 221 | from number 1 to number 221 (year 1974) | e.g. Abásolo, Epigrafía romana de la región de Lara de los Infantes (ERLara) 124 |
Abásolo, Los bronces romanos en España | convert to TM abbreviation | 1 | (year 1990) | e.g. Abásolo, Los bronces romanos en España p. 170 no. 15 |
Abba Garima monastery inv. | convert to TM abbreviation | TM | this abbreviation is not used in TM | e.g. |
Abbott / Johnson (ed.), Municipal administration in the Roman Empire | convert to TM abbreviation | 31 | from number 16 to number 164 (year 1926) | e.g. Abbott / Johnson (ed.), Municipal administration In the Roman empire 163 |
Abbott, Catalogue of the manuscripts in the library of Trinity College Dublin | convert to TM abbreviation | 1 | number 28 (year 1900) | e.g. Abbott, Catalogue of the manuscripts in the library of Trinity College Dublin 28 |
Abbott, Evangeliorum versio antehieronymiana ex codice Usseriano | convert to TM abbreviation | 1 | (year 1884) | e.g. Abbott, Evangeliorum versio antehieronymiana ex codice Usseriano |
Abbott, Kurrah papyri from Aphrodito | convert to TM abbreviation | 5 | from number 1 to number 5 (year 1938) | e.g. Abbott, Kurrah papyri from Aphrodito 1 |
Abbott, Studies in Arabic literary papyri I (Univ. of Chicago Oriental Publications 75) | convert to TM abbreviation | TM | this abbreviation is not used in TM | e.g. |
Abbott, Studies in Arabic literary papyri II (Univ. of Chicago Oriental Publications 76) | convert to TM abbreviation | TM | this abbreviation is not used in TM | e.g. |
Abbott, The rise of the Northarabic script | convert to TM abbreviation | 2 | from number 4 to number 5 (year 1939) | e.g. Abbott, The rise of the Northarabic script 5 |
Abd al-Latif, Les villes et les villages égyptiens dans les papyrus arabes | convert to TM abbreviation | 4 | from number 3 to number 30 (year 2012) | e.g. Abd al-Latif, Les villes et les villages égyptiens dans les papyrus arabes 13 |
Abd Allah Ibn Lahia: juge et grand maître de l'école égyptienne (Codices Arabici antiqui 4) | convert to TM abbreviation | 1 | (year 1986) | e.g. Abd Allah Ibn Lahia: juge et grand maître de l'école égyptienne (Codices Arabici antiqui 4) p. 178- |