List of abbreviations of individual words

Abbreviations in the database with first letter = R: 2278

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

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Abbreviation Abbreviated word Frequency
R rei 1219
R Romanorum 945
R R 855
R res 511
R Romani 403
R Recognitum 307
ROG rogat 276
RES Restituti 238
R Romano 223
REG Reginae 213
R re 207
R Romanus 176
ROM Romilia 134
RES Res 129
RECOGNIT recognitum 120
RASIN Rasini 107
R Rutili 97
ROM Romae 88
ROME Romae 86
RAP Rapacis 79
R regione 78
R recta 76
R rubrica 76
RET retro 72
ROMAN Romanam 71
RARISSIME rarissimae 69
R rogo 67
RUFIN Rufini 65
REG Regnante 64
ROG rogant 62
RAET Raetorum 61
R Romam 60
RAETOR Raetorum 60
REG regionis 58
R Redditio 58
RUF Ruf 57
R retro 57
RUF Rufus 53
ROMANOR Romanorum 52
R Rasini 52
R recessit 51
ROM Romanorum 48
RUF Rufi 45
REST restituit 44
RETR retro 44
RUFINE Rufinae 44
R recte 43
ROM Romano 43
ROM Roma 42
R Remesiana 42
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