A brief explanation to TM Real

TM Real is a database of names and name variants as they occur in Pauly-Wissowa's Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft. It is the result of the current Networks of Ideas and Knowledge in the Ancient World [NIKAW] project (2022-2026), where a team from KU Leuven (including Trismegistos) aims to study networks of people mentioned in classical authors.

To do this, we were looking for a universal prosopography of the ancient world, but nothing recent seemed to be at hand. We therefore used the old German encyclopedia in its digital form as available on the Wikisource pages.

We filtered out the entries for individuals (almost 48,000 of the almost 100,000) and split up all the constituent names - so not only the ones under which they are listed in the RE. This dataset of some 70,000 names was then connected to TM People, more specifically NamVar and Nam.

TM Real is part of our efforts to expand the onomastic aspects of Trismegistos to the entire ancient world, in our Names of the Ancient World.