TM 31262
(text of of September 2016)
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1 [ἀρ]χεφόδοις of ἀρχέφοδος ("chief of police")→ square brackets [ ] embrace text that is lost but has been reconstructed κώμης of κώμη ("village") Καρανίδοςreference to Καρανίς (TM Geo 1008: 00a - Karanis (Kom Aushim)).punctuation (not present in the original) ἐξpreposition ἐκ ("from out of") αὐτῆς of αὐτός ("self; him, her (declined cases)") ἀναπέμψατε of ἀναπέμπω ("send up, refer")
2 [.........]NA of _ (no translation available) Δ̣ι̣δύμουgen, person's name, reference to Didymos (TM Per 282631) καὶcoordinator of καί ("and") τὴν of ὁ ("the") τούτου of οὗτος ("this, that") γυναῖκα of γυνή ("woman") Ταμάρωναacc, person's name, reference to Tamaron (TM Per 324876) ἐ̣νκ[α] of ἐγκαλέω (""accuse"")
3 [λουμένους] of ἐγκαλέω (""accuse"") [ὑπ]ὸpreposition ὑπό ("by (by-agent)")
→ square brackets [ ] embrace text that is lost but has been reconstructed Αὐρηλίουgen, person's name, reference to Serenus (TM Per 282632) Σερήνουgen, person's name, reference to Serenus (TM Per 282632) Σαραπίωνοςgen, father's name, reference to Sarapion (TM Per 324877) |̣f̣ịḷḷẹṛ|̣NA of _ (no translation available)
→ ḍọṭṭẹḍ letters indicate characters that are legible in context only
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