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TM 20106 Record to be adopted by: you?

Stable URI (with TM ID): www.trismegistos.org/text/20106

Information mentioned in this text

    TM 20106

    (text of Papyri.info of September 2016)

    Hover on a word for more info. Click on it to go to the detail page of the lemma.


    1 [---] [ἀρχιδικαστῇ] [καὶ] [πρὸς] [τῇ] [ἐπιμελείᾳ] [τ]ῶν χρηματιστῶν καὶ τῶν ἄλλων
    2 [κριτηρίων] [---] [παρὰ] [Ἑρμιόνης] τῆς καὶ Ταθώτιος τῆς Ἀντιφίλου
    3 [---][..] [Ἀπο]λλοφάνους τῶν ἀφʼ Ἑρ-
    4 [μουπόλεως] [---] καταγέγραφαν τῷ τοῦ
    5 [---]λ̣έντος τοῦ ἐν τῆι προ-
    6 [---] [Ἀλ]εξάνδρου ἀδελφὸς
    7 [---] [ἐ]πʼ αὐτῆς ἀσφαλείαις, αὐτόθεν δὲ
    8 [---] [βε]βαίωσιν συνχωροῦμεν πρὸς
    9 [ἀλλήλους] [---] [τὴν] [Τ]αθῶτιν καὶ τὸν Ἀπολλ[οφά]νην
    10 [---]ον καὶ μηδένα αὐτοῦ ἐμποιού-
    11 [μενον] [---] [καὶ] [ἀ]ποστῆσαι αὐτοὺς παραχρῆμα
    12 [---] [τῆς] [βεβαιώσεως] [ἐξακολουθ]ούσης αὐτοῖς ἀλληλενγύοις*
    13 [---] [τ]ά τε βλάβη καὶ δαπανήματα
    14 [---] [ἀξι]οῦμεν οὖν τὰ̓́λλʼ* ἐπιτελεῖν.

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