49 | EgyptEgypt - Aigyptos (Aegyptus) - Aeria - Aetia - Arankelis - Araukilis - Araurakelis - Mysra (Misr) - Potamitis - Ogygia - Hermochymios - Hephaistia - Chemia - Kemi - Tawi ('(The) two lands') - Baki (Beki - Baket) ('(The) bright one') - T-meri (Beloved land) - Biawi ('(The) two plants') → Greek: Αἴγυπτος - Ἀερία - Ἀετία - Ἀρανκηλίς - Μύσρα - Ποταμῖτις - Ὠγυγία - Ἑρμοχύμιος - Ἡφαιστία - Χημία → Latin: Aegyptus → Egyptian: Kmy (Qmy - Km.t) - Tȝ.wy - Bȝqy (Bȝq.t - Bqy - Bky) - Tȝ-mry (Tȝ-mr.t) - Bỉȝ.wy → Coptic: ⲕⲏⲙⲉ - ⲕⲩⲙⲓ | region; modern country | Aegyptus | N/A | 39580 | |
1341 | Memnoneia - Djeme (Thebes west)ta Memnoneia (Memnonea - Memnonia) - Djeme (Djema - Zemi) - Gebel Shama - Thebes west - sites including Qamula; El-Tarif (Gebel Tarif); (New) Gurna (Qurna); Dra' Abu el-Naga (with Deir el-Bakhit (el-Bachit)); Asasif (Assasif); Deir el-Bahari (el-Bahri) (with the Monastery of Apa Phoibammon / Apa Phoibammonos Topos (TM Geo 11645) and Bab el-Gasus); El-Khokha; Sheikh Abd el-Gurna (with the Monastery of Epiphanios and the Monastery of Kyriakos (TT 65)); Ramesseum; Deir el-Medina; Qurnet Mura'i (Qurnat Mar'y) (with the Monastery of Saint Marcus / Abba Markou Topos / Topos of Saint Marcus); Colossi of Memnon; Medinet Habu; Qasr el-Aguz; Malkata (El-Malqata); El-Kom; Deir el-Shelwit (Deir Chelouit); El-Bai'rat; Nag' el-Tud; Valley of the Kings / Syringes (Wadi / Biban el-Muluk); Valley of the Queens (Biban el-Harim) (with Deir el-Rumi); Wadi of Prince Ahmes; Tomb of Amenemope (TT 29); Tomb of Padihorresnet (TT 196); Tomb of Puyemre; Monastery of Apa Paulus; Monastery of Apa Menas (TM Geo 60626); Tomb of Ahmose (TT 121); Wadi Gabbanat el-Gurud (el-Qurud); El-Qurn → Greek: τὰ Μεμνόνεια → Latin: Menonia (sic) → Egyptian: Ḏmȝ (Tḏmȝʿ - Ḏmʿ - Ḏmȝ.t - Pr-Ḏmȝ - Pȝ-Ḏmȝ) → Coptic: ϫⲏⲙⲉ - ϭⲏⲙⲓ | village: kome; quarter; district | Aegyptus | Upper Egypt | 21639 | |
1524 | Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa)Oxyrynchos (Oxyrhynchos - Oxyryncha - Oxyrhynchus) - Oxyrynchopolis (Oxyrynchon Polis - 'City of (the) oxyrynchoi fish') - he Oxyrynchiton Polis - Iustinopolis (Nea Ioustinou Polis) - Per-Medjed (Pemze) - Bahnasa (El-Behnesa) - sites including Kom Abu Teir; Kom Ali el-Gamman → Greek: Ὀξύρυγχος - Ὀξυρύγχων πόλις - Ὀξυρυγχιτῶν πόλις - Νέα Ἰουστίνου πόλις → Latin: Oxyrynchus - Oxurunchus - Oxirinchus → Egyptian: Pr-Mḏd (Pr-Mḏ) → Coptic: ⲡⲉⲙϫⲉ - ⲡⲙϫⲏ | city: polis, metropolis, civitas | Aegyptus | Upper Egypt | 15791 | |
332 | Arsinoites (Fayum)Arsinoites - Krokodilopolites - Souchou Nomos ('nomos of (the god) Souchos / Sobek') - Fayum → Greek: Ἀρσινοίτης - Σουχου νόμος → Latin: Arsinoites - Crocodilopolites → Egyptian: pȝ tš n ȝrsynȝ | district: nomos, tesh, pagarchia, kurat | Aegyptus | Fayum | 15372 | |
2287 | Tebtynis (Umm el-Baragat)Tebtynis (Tebtunis - Teptynis) - Touton - Tutun - Umm el-Baragat (Tell Umm el-Breigat) → Greek: Τεβτυνις - Τεπτυνις → Egyptian: Tp-Tn (Tȝ-Tn - Tn - Tȝ-bnt - Tbȝ-Tn - Tȝ-btn - Dbȝ-Tn - Tȝ-nb-Tp-Tn - Tȝ-nb.t-tȝ-Tn) → Coptic: ⲧⲟⲩⲧⲱⲛ - ⲧⲟⲧⲟⲩⲛ | village: kome, chorion, demi | Aegyptus | Fayum | 13393 | |
2355 | ThebesThebes | | Aegyptus | Upper Egypt | 8044 | |
100 | AlexandriaAlexandreia (Alexandria - Alexandrea - El-Iskandariya - 'The place of Alexander') - Rakotis ('Building yard'? 'Fin des habitations'?) - Leontopolis - sites including Shatby (Skiatbi, Chatby); Meks (El-Mex); El-Gabbari; Hadra (Hatra, Khadra); Kom el-Shugafa; Karmuz (Karmus); Serapeum (Sarapieion); Kaisareion; Mustafa Pasha; Ramleh; El-Ibrahimiya; Kom el-Dikka; Abu el-Hachem; El-Dukheileh (Dekhelah); Rushdi; Marghram; cape Lochias (Fort Silsileh); Minet el-Bassal; Mafrusa; Antirrodos; fort Qaitbay; Smuha → Greek: Ἀλεξάνδρεια → Latin: Alexandria - Alexandrea → Egyptian: Rʿ-qd (Rʿ-qt) - Pȝ-ʿ.wy-n-ȝlgsȝntrs - Pȝ-sbt-n-Ỉrgsndrs → Coptic: ⲣⲁⲕⲟⲧⲉ - ⲣⲁⲕⲟϯ | city: polis, metropolis, megalopolis (megale polis), civitas, urbs, oppidum | Aegyptus | Lower Egypt | 7552 | |
576 | Dios Polis (Thebes east)Dios Polis (Diospolis) (he) Megale (Magna) - Thebai - Nout (No) ('(The) city (of Amon)') - Iounou-Shema ('Southern Heliopolis' / 'Heliopolis of Upper Egypt') - Thebes east - sites including Luxor (El-Uqsur); Karnak → Greek: Διὸς πόλις Μεγάλη - Θῆβαι - Νο → Latin: Thebae - No - Diospolis → Egyptian: Nw.t (Nw.t-rsy.t - Nw.t-n-Ỉmn) - Pȝ-dmỉ-Ỉmn - Ỉwnw-Šmʿ → Coptic: ⲛⲏ - ⲛⲉ | city: polis, metropolis, nout, demi | Aegyptus | Upper Egypt | 7228 | |
816 | Hermopolis (El-Ashmunein)Hermopolis (Hermou Polis / Hermoupolis / Hermupolis) Megale / Ano (Magna / Superior) - he Hermopoliton Polis - Chemenou (Zmoun - Shmoun) ('Eight-town') - El-Ashmunein - sites including Tuna el-Gebel; Kom Kusum (Kom Kassum); the Monastery of Epiphanios → Greek: Ἑρμοῦ πόλις Μεγάλη - Ἑρμοπολιτῶν πόλις - Ζμουν → Latin: Hermupolis Magna - Mercuri → Egyptian: Ḫmnw → Coptic: ϣⲙⲟⲩⲛ - ⲉⲣⲙⲟⲩⲡⲟⲗⲓⲥ | city: polis, metropolis, civitas | Aegyptus | Upper Egypt | 6274 | |
1344 | MemphisMemphis - Hout-ka-Ptah ('Temple (of) (the) ka of Ptah') - Ineb-hedj ('White wall / enclosure') - Mechat-tawi ('Scales (of) (the) two lands') - Mes-teheni ('Faience-maker') - Noph - sites including Saqqara (Sakkara); Saqqara, Serapeum; Saqqara, Anoubieion; Saqqara, Monastery of Apa Ieremias (Ras el-Gisr?); Mit Rahina (Mit Riheina); Mit Rahina, Kom el-Qala’a; Mit Rahina, Kom Aziziyeh; El-Badrashein; Abusir (Abu Sir); El-Hawamdiya; Muna el-Anir; Umm Khunan; Mit Qadus; Shabramant; Abu el-Numrus → Greek: Μεμφις → Latin: Memfis - Memphis - Menfris → Egyptian: Mn-nfr - Ỉnb-ḥḏ (Ỉnb-ḥt) - Ḥw.t-kȝ-Ptḥ - Mḫȝ.t-tȝ.wy - Ms-ṱḥny → Coptic: ⲙⲛⲫⲉ - ⲉⲕⲉⲡϯⲁ | city: polis, metropolis, asty, demi, oppidum, civitas | Aegyptus | Lower Egypt | 5746 | |
1760 | Philadelpheia (Gharabet el-Gerza)Philadelpheia (Philadelphia - Philadelphou Kome - Philadelphos) - P-awi-n-t-meret-sen ('The place of the one who loves her brother') - N-nehou ('(The place of) the sycamore trees') (Tnouhe) - Gharabet el-Gerza (Darb Gerze - Darb el-Guerza) - sites including Kom el-Kharba el-Kebir (Kom el-Kharaba el-Kebir); Rubbayat (sc. the Ptolemaic necropolis) → Greek: Φιλαδέλφεια → Latin: Philadelphia → Egyptian: Pȝ-ʿ.wy-n-tȝ-mr.t-sn - Nȝ-nh.w | village: kome, polis, epoikion, demi, vicus | Aegyptus | Fayum | 4617 | |
1008 | Karanis (Kom Aushim)Karanis (Keranis) - Kom Aushim → Greek: Καρανίς → Latin: Caranis | village: kome, chorion; vicus | Aegyptus | Fayum | 4487 | |
2157 | Soknopaiou Nesos (Dimeh)Soknopaiou Nesos ('The island of Soknopaios / Souchos lord of Pai') - Dimeh (Dimai - Dima) → Greek: Σοκνοπαιου Νῆσος → Egyptian: Tȝ-mȝy.t-n-Sbk-nb-Pay (Tȝ-mȝy.t) | village: kome, demi; nesos, mai | Aegyptus | Fayum | 4416 | |
621 | Elephantine (Geziret Assuan)Elephantine (Elephantis) - Ieb - Geziret Assuan → Greek: Ἐλεφαντίνη - Ἰηβ → Latin: Elephantine - Elephantis → Egyptian: Yb (Ybȝ - ȝbw - Ỉȝbw - Ỉb) → Coptic: ⲓⲏⲃ - ⲉⲓⲏⲃ | island (on the Nile): nesos, insula; city: polis, metropolis, demi, urbs | Aegyptus | Upper Egypt | 3972 | |
327 | Krokodilopolis (Medinet el-Fayum)Krokodilopolis (Krokodilon Polis) - Ptolemais Euergetis - Shedet (Chédet) - Arsinoiton Polis - Arsinoe - Crialon - Medinet el-Fayum - sites including Kiman Fares (Kom Faris); Tell Azab (Deir el-Azab - the monastery of Anba Abraam); Kom el-Addame; El-Gebeli → Greek: Κροκοδίλων πόλις - Πτολεμαὶς Εὐεργέτις - Ἀρσινοιτῶν πόλις - Ἀρσινόη → Latin: Arsinoe - Crialon → Egyptian: Šdt (Šty) - ȝrsynȝ → Coptic: ⲡⲉⲓⲟⲙ - ⲡⲟⲗⲓⲥ | city: polis, metropolis, nout, civitas, oppidum | Aegyptus | Fayum | 3899 | |
2349 | Theadelpheia (Batn el-Harit)Theadelpheia (Theadelphia) - P-awi-n-senet ('The place of (the) (divine) sister') - Batn el-Harit (Kharabet Ihrit) → Greek: Θεαδέλφεια → Egyptian: Pȝ-ʿ.wy-n-sn.t | village: kome, epoikion | Aegyptus | Fayum | 3032 | |
2720 | HermopolitesHermopolites - Ano ('Upper') Hermopolites - Pagarchia of Hermou Polis → Greek: Ἑρμοπολίτης → Latin: Hermopolites → Egyptian: pȝ tš n Ḫmnw → Coptic: ⲡⲧⲟϣ ϣⲙⲟⲩⲛ | district: nomos, tesh, pagarchia | Aegyptus | Upper Egypt | 3021 | |
2722 | OxyrynchitesOxyrynchites (Oxyrhynchites) - Iustinopolites (Ioustinoupolites) → Greek: Ὀξυρυγχίτης - Ἰουστινουπολίτης → Latin: Oxyrynchites → Egyptian: pȝ tš n Pr-Mḏ | district: nomos, tesh, pagarchia | Aegyptus | Upper Egypt | 2640 | |
269 | Apollonopolis (Edfu)Apollonopolis (Apollonos Polis - Apollinopolis) Megale (Magna) / Ano (Superior) - Apollonias - Behdet - Bachthis - Polis Phoibou - Mesen - Edfu - sites including the necropolis Hassaya (Hassaia, Hissaya - Nag' el-Hassaya, Nagʿ al-Hisâyâ) → Greek: Ἀπόλλωνος πόλις Μεγάλη - Βαχθις - πόλις Φοίβου → Latin: Apollinis - Apollonos Superiore → Egyptian: Ḏbȝ (Tbȝ - Dbȝ) - Bḥdt (Bḥt) - Msn → Coptic: ⲉⲧⲃⲟ - ⲧⲃⲟ - ⲑⲃⲱ | city: polis | Aegyptus | Upper Egypt | 2516 | |
34 | AbydosAbydos (Abytos - Abidos - Abydoi - Abide) - sites including Memnonion; Osirieion; El-Araba el-Madfuna; Kom el-Sultan; Umm el-Qa'ab → Greek: Ἀβυδος → Latin: Abydus - Aboedos - Abubis - Abidos → Egyptian: ȝbḏw (Ỉbd - Ỉbt - ȝbt) - pȝ tš n Ỉbt? → Coptic: ⲉⲃⲱⲧ - ⲁⲃⲱⲧ | city: polis, civitas | Aegyptus | Upper Egypt | 2499 | |
2713 | HerakleopolitesHerakleopolites - Pagarchia of Herakleopolis → Greek: Ἡρακλεοπολίτης → Latin: Heracleopolites → Egyptian: pȝ tš n Ḥw.t-nn-nsw | district: nomos, tesh, pagarchia; nesos | Aegyptus | Upper Egypt | 2319 | |
2774 | Antinoopolis (El-Sheikh Ibada)Antinoopolis (Antinoou Polis) (Antinoe - Antinoeia - Antinoesia - Besantinoou Polis) - Hadrianopolis (Hadrianou Polis) - Neoi Hellenes - Ansina - El-Sheikh Ibada (Abadeh) → Greek: Ἀντινόου πόλις - Νέοι Ἕλληνες → Latin: Antinou - Antenou → Coptic: ⲁⲛⲧⲓⲛⲟⲟⲩ | city: polis, metropolis, kallipolis, ptoliethron | Aegyptus | Upper Egypt | 2257 | |
10454 | Abba Apollotos Monasterion (Bawit)Abba (Apa - Hagiou) Apollotos Monasterion (Monastery of Abba Apollos / Apa Apollo) - Pauet ('The monastery') - Bawit (Baouit) → Greek: Ἀββᾶ Ἀπόλλωτος μοναστήριον → Coptic: ⲡⲁⲩⲏⲧ - ⲧⲟⲡⲟⲥ ⲛⲁⲡⲁ ⲁⲡⲟⲗⲗⲱ | monastery: monasterion; oros; topos; hagios topos; laura | Aegyptus | Upper Egypt | 2218 | |
237 | Aphrodito (Kom Ishgau)Aphrodites Polis [BC02-AD02] - Aphrodites Kome (Aphrodite - Aphroditous - Aphroditon Kome) [AD03-AD07] - Aphrodito [AD08] - Per-Wadjit (Pi-Edjo - 'House of (the goddess) Wadjit') - Ashqawh (Ashkuh) - Kom Ishgau (Kom Ischqau - Kom Ishqaw - Kom Isgaw) - sites including the Monastery of Apollon → Greek: Ἀφροδίτης πόλις - Ἀφροδίτης κώμη - Ἀφροδιτώ → Latin: Veneris - Afrodit( ) → Egyptian: Pr-Wȝḏy.t (Pr-Wt) → Coptic: ϫⲕⲱⲟⲩ | city: polis, metropolis; village: kome, demi | Aegyptus | Upper Egypt | 2154 | |
2820 | SohagSohag (Suhag) - sites including cemetery; Hamaliya | | Aegyptus | Upper Egypt | 2059 | |
1628 | Pathyris (Gebelein)Pathyris - Aphroditopolis (Aphrodites Polis) - Per-Hathor ('House (of) Hathor') - Inerty / Inti (Inty) / Entaigis / Entaiis (Entaiye) (in the expression Hathernebentaigis) ('The two rock formations') - Gebelein (Gebelen) - sites including Debbabiyeh (Dabbabiyeh) → Greek: Παθυρις - Ἀφροδίτης πόλις - Ἐνταιγις → Latin: Veneris oppidum → Egyptian: Pr-Ḥw.t-Ḥr - Ỉnr.ty (Ỉn.ty) → Coptic: ⲡⲁⲑⲩⲣⲓⲥ | city: polis, oppidum; village: kome, demi | Aegyptus | Upper Egypt | 2031 | |
2207 | Syene (Assuan)Syene (Soene - Souene) - Kaine Syene - Assuan (Aswan) - sites including Salib Island; Gebel Gulab; Anba Sama'an → Greek: Συηνη - Σοηνη → Latin: Syene - Siene → Egyptian: Swn (Swnw) → Coptic: ⲥⲟⲩⲁⲛ | city: polis, urbs, civitas; district: toparchia | Aegyptus | Upper Egypt | 1740 | |
1767 | PhilaiPhilai (Philae - Phile - Pilak - Pylai) ('Island of the extremity'? 'Island of time'?) - Pileqe - Bilaq → Greek: Φιλαι - Φιλη → Latin: Philae - Filae → Egyptian: Pȝ-lq (Pylq - Pr-rq - Pȝ-ỉy-lq - Pr-ỉy-lq - Pr-ỉy-rq - Pr-ỉw-rq - Pȝ-ỉw-rk - Pȝ-ỉȝ.t-rq) - Ỉw-ȝḫ-mnw → Coptic: ⲡⲓⲗⲁⲕ - ⲡⲓⲗⲁⲕϩ - ⲡⲉⲓⲗⲁⲕ | island (on the Nile): nesos; city: polis | Aegyptus | Upper Egypt | 1722 | |
1589 | Panopolis (Akhmim)Panopolis (Panos Polis - Pano - Panon) - Chemmis - Shmin - Ipou - Akhmim (Achmim) → Greek: Πανὸς πόλις - Χεμμις → Latin: Pano → Egyptian: Ḫnty-Mỉn - Šmn - Ỉpw - Ḫby? → Coptic: ϣⲙⲓⲛ | city: polis, metropolis, kallipolis, civitas; district: toparchia | Aegyptus | Upper Egypt | 1660 | |
2783 | Claudianus MonsClaudianus Mons (*Klaudianon Oros) - Klaudianon - Klaudiana Metalla - Gebel Fatira - Wadi Fatira (Wadi Fatireh) → Greek: Κλαυδιανόν - Κλαυδιανὰ μέταλλα → Latin: Claudianus mons | station; well: hydreuma; fons; mountain: mons; quarry: metallon | Aegyptus | Eastern desert | 1581 | |
2711 | Abu MenaAbu Mena - Deir Abu Mina - Menas → Latin: sanctus Mennas | village | Aegyptus | Western coast | 1558 | |
812 | Hermonthis (Armant)Hermonthis (Eresbythos) - Iounou-Shema ('Southern Heliopolis' / 'Heliopolis of Upper Egypt') - Iounou-Montou ('Heliopolis (of) (the god) Montou') - Per-Mountou ('House / temple of Montou') - Armant (Erment) - sites including Bucheum → Greek: Ἑρμωνθις (Ἑρμονθις) - Ἐρεσβυθος → Latin: Hermunthus - Hermuntis → Egyptian: Ỉwny (Ỉwn) - Ỉwnw-Šmʿ - Ỉwnw-Mnṯw (Ỉwn-Mnṱ) - Pr-Mnṯw (Pr-Mnṱ) → Coptic: ⲉⲣⲙⲟⲛⲧ - ⲣⲙⲟⲛⲧ | city: polis, metropolis, nout | Aegyptus | Upper Egypt | 1550 | |
2843 | Wadi SargaWadi Sarga - sites including the Monastery of Apa Thomas; Ganadla (Deir el-Ganadleh) | river: wadi | Aegyptus | Upper Egypt | 1472 | |
788 | Herakleidou MerisHerakleidou Meris ('Meris of Herakleides') → Greek: Ἡρακλείδου μερίς → Latin: Heraclidu Pars → Egyptian: tȝ dnỉ.t n Hrqlts | district: meris; denit; pars | Aegyptus | Fayum | 1462 | |
801 | Herakleopolis (Ihnasya el-Medina)Herakleopolis (Herakleous Polis) Megale (Magna) - Hout-nen-nesou (Henen-Nesou) ('House (of) (the) child (of) (the) king') - Hnes (Hanes) - Ihnasya el-Medina (Ahnas - Ehnes) → Greek: Ἡρακλέους πόλις Μεγάλη → Latin: Heracleo - Herculis oppidum - Hanes → Egyptian: Ḥw.t-nn-nsw (Nn-nsw - Ḥw.t-nsw) → Coptic: ϩⲛⲏⲥ - ϩⲛⲉⲥ | city: polis, urbs, civitas, oppidum, metropolis | Aegyptus | Upper Egypt | 1356 | |
2766 | Upper EgyptUpper Egypt - Ano Aigyptos - Aegyptus Superior - Ano Chora - Hermes - Shema - A-resi ('Southern region') - Mares → Greek: Ἄνω Αἴγυπτος - Ἄνω χώρα - Ἑρμῆς → Latin: Aegyptus Superior → Egyptian: Šmʿ (Šmȝ - Tȝ-šmʿ.w) - ʿ-rsy - *Mȝʿ-rs → Coptic: ⲙⲁⲣⲏⲥ | area: chora | Aegyptus | Upper Egypt | 1303 | |
1424 | Naukratis (Kom Gajef)Naukratis - Baded - Kom Gajef (el-Gi'eif - Kom el-Geif) - sites including El-Nibeira; El-Niqrash → Greek: Ναύκρατις → Latin: Naucratis - Naucreatis → Egyptian: Nȝy=w-Krḏ (Nȝ-Krṯ - Na-Krḏ ) - Bȝ-dd | city: polis, civitas, demi; emporion | Aegyptus | Lower Egypt | 1278 | |
37019 | Pagus 1-18Pagus 1-18 - Toparchia 1-18 → Greek: πάγος → Latin: pagus | district: pagus; toparchia | Aegyptus | Upper Egypt | 1251 | |
2982 | ThebaisThebais - Thebaios Nomos - P-tesh-n-Nout ('The district / nomos of Thebes') → Greek: Θηβαίς → Latin: Thebais → Egyptian: pȝ tš n Nw.t → Coptic: ⲑⲏⲃⲁⲉⲓⲥ - ⲑⲩⲃⲁⲉⲓⲥ | region; district: nomos, tesh, eparchia, provincia | Aegyptus | Upper Egypt | 1202 | |
2733 | Trimithis (Amheida)Trimithis ('The northern warehouse') - Ta Kastra - Amheida (Amhada) → Greek: Τριμιθις → Latin: Trimitheos - Trimtheos | village: kome; city: polis; camp: castra; pagus | Aegyptus | Western desert, Oasis Magna | 1130 | |
2983 | CharaxCharax → Greek: Χάραξ | quarter, street: laura | Aegyptus | Upper Egypt | 1109 | |
1421 | Narmouthis (Medinet Madi)Narmouthis (Narmuthis) - Nout-Renenet ('Town of Renenet') - Medinet Madi (Kom Madi) → Greek: Ναρμουθις → Latin: Narmunthis → Egyptian: Nw.t-Rnn.t → Coptic: ⲛⲁⲣⲙⲟⲩⲧⲉ | village: kome, chorion | Aegyptus | Fayum | 1078 | |
1882 | Polemonos MerisPolemonos Meris ('Meris of Polemon') - Gharaq area → Greek: Πολέμωνος μερίς → Egyptian: tȝ dnỉ.t n Pwlmn | district: meris; denit | Aegyptus | Fayum | 1072 | |
2761 | Kysis (Dush)Kysis - (Qasr) Dush (el-Kala) (Douch - Dusch - Dosh) → Greek: Κυσις → Egyptian: Kš (Gš) | village: kome; district: toparchia | Aegyptus | Western desert, Oasis Magna | 1005 | |
392 | Bakchias (Kom el-Atl)Bakchias - Kom el-Atl (Umm el-Atl - Kom el-Asl) → Greek: Βακχιάς → Egyptian: Gnw.t - Km-wr | village: kome | Aegyptus | Fayum | 873 | |
2366 | Themistou MerisThemistou Meris ('Meris of Themistos') → Greek: Θεμίστου μερίς → Egyptian: tȝ dnỉ.t n Thmysts | district: meris; denit | Aegyptus | Fayum | 872 | |
2834 | Deir el-BershaDeir el-Bersha (Dayr el-Barsha - Deir el-Bercheh) - sites including Wadi el-Nakhla (Nakla) | | Aegyptus | Upper Egypt | 816 | |
2762 | Kellis (Ismant el-Kharab)Kellis - Ismant (Esment - Smint) el-Kharab → Greek: Κελλις | village: kome | Aegyptus | Western desert, Oasis Magna | 797 | |
720 | GurobGurob - Kom Medinet el-Ghurab | village | Aegyptus | Fayum | 794 | |
675 | Euhemeria (Qasr el-Banat)Euhemeria (Euhemereia - Euhemeris) - Qasr el-Banat ('Castle of the girls') - Ezbet Afifi → Greek: Εὐημερία | village: kome | Aegyptus | Fayum | 782 | |