TM 8945
(text of of September 2016)
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1 πώλ(ησις) of πώλησις ("selling, sale")→ round brackets ( ) embrace text that has been abbreviated
2 Ἀπολλωνίωιdat, person's name, reference to Apollonios (TM Per 20004) καὶcoordinator of καί ("and") Θέ[ωνι]dat, person's name, reference to Theon (TM Per 20005)
3 γεγυμνασιαρχ(ηκόσι) of γυμνασιαρχέω ("to be gymnasiarch")
→ round brackets ( ) embrace text that has been abbreviated καὶcoordinator of καί ("and") βι[βλιοφύλαξι] of βιβλιοφύλαξ ("keeper of archives")
→ square brackets [ ] embrace text that is lost but has been reconstructed
4 ἐνκτήσεων of ἔγκτησις ("tenure of land") Ἀρσινοί[του]reference to Ἀρσινοίτης (TM Geo 332: 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum)) [νομοῦ] of νομός ("law")
→ square brackets [ ] embrace text that is lost but has been reconstructed
5 παρὰpreposition παρά ("beside; from (+gen.)") Σ[α]τα[β]οῦτοςgen, person's name, reference to Satabous (TM Per 396050) καὶcoordinator of καί ("and") Στο[τοήτιος]gen, person's name, reference to Stotoetis (TM Per 253589)
6 καὶcoordinator of καί ("and") Ταήσιοςgen, person's name, reference to Taesis (TM Per 253590) καὶcoordinator of καί ("and") Τεσενο[ύφεως]gen, person's name, reference to Tesenouphis (TM Per 249925)
7 τῶν of ὁ ("the") ἀπ[ὸ]preposition ἀπό ("from")
→ square brackets [ ] embrace text that is lost but has been reconstructed [κώ(μης)] of κώμη ("village")
→ square brackets [ ] embrace text that is lost but has been reconstructed
→ round brackets ( ) embrace text that has been abbreviated Σοκνο[π]αί[ου]reference to ἡ Σοκνοπαιου Νῆσος (TM Geo 2157: 00a - Soknopaiou Nesos (Dimeh)) [Νήσου]reference to ἡ Σοκνοπαιου Νῆσος (TM Geo 2157: 00a - Soknopaiou Nesos (Dimeh))
8 τῆς of ὁ ("the") Ἡρακλείδουreference to ἡ Ἡρακλείδου μερίς (TM Geo 788: 00a - Herakleidou Meris) μερίδος of μερίς ("district") τῶ[ν] of ὁ ("the")
→ square brackets [ ] embrace text that is lost but has been reconstructed
9 τεσσάρων of τέσσαρες ("four") Ἐριέ[ως]nom, father's name, reference to Herieus (TM Per 73759) νεω[τέ]ρου of νέος ("young, new")
→ square brackets [ ] embrace text that is lost but has been reconstructed
10 τοῦ of ὁ ("the") Σαταβοῦτοςgen, grandfather's name, reference to Satabous (TM Per 62087) μετὰpreposition μετά ("in the midst of; with (+gen.); after (+acc.)") κυρίου of κύριος ("lord, master, guardian")
11 ἑκατέρας of ἑκάτερος ("each of two"),punctuation (not present in the original) τῆς of ὁ ("the") μὲνparticle μέν ("indeed") Στοτ[οή]τιοςgen, person's name, reference to Stotoetis (TM Per 253589)
12 τοῦ of ὁ ("the") προγεγραμμένου of προγράφω ("write before or first; written above (partic. perf.)") ἀδ[έλ]φο[ῦ] of ἀδέλφός ("brother")
→ square brackets [ ] embrace text that is lost but has been reconstructed
13 Σαταβοῦτοςgen, person's name, reference to Satabous (TM Per 396050),punctuation (not present in the original) τῆς of ὁ ("the") δὲcoordinator of δέ ("but") Ταήσιοςgen, person's name, reference to Taesis (TM Per 253590) καὶcoordinator of καί ("and")
14 Τεσενούφεωςgen, person's name, reference to Tesenouphis (TM Per 249925) τοῦ of ὁ ("the") τῆς of ὁ ("the") Τ[εσε]νού-gen, reference to Tesenouphis (TM Per 249925)
15 φεωςgen, reference to Tesenouphis (TM Per 249925) ἀνδρὸς of ἀνήρ ("man") Στοτ[ο]ήτ[ιος]gen, person's name, reference to Stotoetis (TM Per 335130) τοῦ of ὁ ("the")
16 Ὀννώφρεωςgen, father's name, reference to Onnophris (TM Per 335131).punctuation (not present in the original) ὃ of ὅς ("who, what (relative)") ἀπεγρ[α]ψάμε[θα] of ἀπογράφω ("copy, register")
→ square brackets [ ] embrace text that is lost but has been reconstructed
17 διʼpreposition διά ("through, because of") ὑμ[ῶ]ν of σύ ("you")
→ square brackets [ ] embrace text that is lost but has been reconstructed ἐ[π]ὶpreposition ἐπί ("upon, on")
→ square brackets [ ] embrace text that is lost but has been reconstructed δnumeral δ (4) (ἔτους) of ἔτος ("year")
→ round brackets ( ) embrace text that has been abbreviated αὐτο̣κ̣ρ̣ά̣τ̣ο̣(ρος) of αὐτοκράτωρ ("emperor")
→ round brackets ( ) embrace text that has been abbreviated
→ ḍọṭṭẹḍ letters indicate characters that are legible in context only Κ̣α̣ίσαρο̣ς̣
18 Οὐεσπασιανοῦ Σεβαστοῦ Π[αῦ]νι ε̣numeral ε (5)
→ ḍọṭṭẹḍ letters indicate characters that are legible in context only
19 ἐνpreposition ἐν ("in") τῇ of ὁ ("the") αὐτῇ of αὐτός ("self; him, her (declined cases)") κώμῃ of κώμη ("village") ἔνατ[ο]ν of ἔνατος ("ninth")
→ square brackets [ ] embrace text that is lost but has been reconstructed μέρ[ος] of μέρος ("part, share")
→ square brackets [ ] embrace text that is lost but has been reconstructed
20 οἰκίας of οἰκία ("house") [κ]αὶcoordinator of καί ("and")
→ square brackets [ ] embrace text that is lost but has been reconstructed αὐλῆς of αὐλή ("courtyard"),punctuation (not present in the original) βουλόμεθα of βούλομαι ("want")
21 ἐξοκονομῆσαι*asterisk indicates error or non-standard form for the correct ἐξοικονομῆσαι: infinitive.aor.act of ἐξοικονομέω ("eliminate") Πανεφρόμμιdat, person's name, reference to Panephremmis (TM Per 253592)
22 Πανεφρόμμεωςgen, father's name, reference to Panephremmis (TM Per 312178) τοῦ of ὁ ("the") Πα[νε]φρόμ-gen, reference to Panephremmis (TM Per 312178)
23 μεωςgen, reference to Panephremmis (TM Per 312178) ἱερεῖ of ἱερεύς ("priest") τῶν of ὁ ("the") ἀπὸpreposition ἀπό ("from") τῆς of ὁ ("the") αὐτῆς of αὐτός ("self; him, her (declined cases)")
24 κώμη[ς] of κώμη ("village")
→ square brackets [ ] embrace text that is lost but has been reconstructed [τιμῆς] of τιμή ("price, honor")
→ square brackets [ ] embrace text that is lost but has been reconstructed [ἀρ]γυρίου of ἀργύριον ("silver")
→ square brackets [ ] embrace text that is lost but has been reconstructed δραχμῶ(ν) of δραχμή ("drachme (weight or money)")
→ round brackets ( ) embrace text that has been abbreviated
25 ἑξήκον[τα]numeral ἑξήκοντα ("sixty")
→ square brackets [ ] embrace text that is lost but has been reconstructed [....]NA of _ (no translation available) [καθ]αρὸν of καθαρός ("pure, clean")
→ square brackets [ ] embrace text that is lost but has been reconstructed ἀπὸpreposition ἀπό ("from") [ὀ]φειλ(ῆς) of ὀφειλή ("debt")
→ square brackets [ ] embrace text that is lost but has been reconstructed
→ round brackets ( ) embrace text that has been abbreviated [καὶ]coordinator of καί ("and")
→ square brackets [ ] embrace text that is lost but has been reconstructed
26 ὑποθήκ[ης] of ὑποθήκη ("deposit, mortgage")
→ square brackets [ ] embrace text that is lost but has been reconstructed [καὶ]coordinator of καί ("and")
→ square brackets [ ] embrace text that is lost but has been reconstructed [παντὸς] of πᾶς ("all")
→ square brackets [ ] embrace text that is lost but has been reconstructed δ[ι]ενγυ[ήμ(ατος)] of διένγυημα (no translation available)
→ square brackets [ ] embrace text that is lost but has been reconstructed
→ round brackets ( ) embrace text that has been abbreviated.punctuation (not present in the original)
27 ἐὰνconjunction ἐάν ("if") φα[ίνηται] of φαίνω ("seem (good)")
→ square brackets [ ] embrace text that is lost but has been reconstructed [...]NA of _ (no translation available) τῷ of ὁ ("the") ὑπ[ο] of ὑπογράφω (""undersign, write under"")
28 γραφ[έντι] of ὑπογράφω (""undersign, write under"") [.........]κ̣αινῇNA of _ (no translation available)
→ ḍọṭṭẹḍ letters indicate characters that are legible in context only οὔσῃν[.]NA of _ (no translation available)
29 [..................]NA of _ (no translation available) ὡ[ς]conjunction ὡς ("so (that), like")
→ square brackets [ ] embrace text that is lost but has been reconstructed κ[α]θήκει of καθήκω ("fit; payments due (partic.)")
→ square brackets [ ] embrace text that is lost but has been reconstructed.punctuation (not present in the original)
30 [--------------------]
NA of _ (no translation available)
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