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TM 66369 / LDAB 7619 Record to be adopted by: you?

Stable URI (with TM ID): www.trismegistos.org/text/66369

also known as Codex Florentinus; Codex Pisanus F; Littera Florentina; Codex F (Iustinianus); Littera Pisana

TM Gallery info The Littera Florentina (TM 66369) is a parchment codex in Florence with a textcritically very important and early (probably 6th century) copy of the Digest, a collection of laws promulgated by the emperor Justinian in 533. The codex was written in Byzantium, but found its way to southern Italy, allegedly Amalfi, and Pisa before it ended up in Florence in 1406. Scholarly access was limited, as the Florentine government wanted to protect the precious manuscript after it started showing signs of wear and tear. It was kept in the Sala della Guardaroba (the 'hall of the wardrobe') at the Palazzo dei Priori for some time, where it survived a fire. It was finally transferred to the Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, where it is still kept today.


Date: AD 533 - 550

Provenance: Italy, South ? - Italy (N/AThe region ca. 3rd cent. BC - Regio I-XThe Roman provincia or regio ca. 2nd cent. AD) [written]
or Turkey, Byzantion (Istanbul) (478) (?)

Language/script: Greek / Latin (paleography: BR uncial and mixed half uncial (Latin text); biblical majuscule (Greek text))

Latin, with Greek introductory text and title

Material: parchment

Completely preserved

Book form: codex (905 fol.); columns per page: 2; number of lines per page: 44, 45

Content (beta!): literary text, Iustinianus: Digesta seu Pandecta, with Greek and Latin title

Authors / works: Iustinianus, Digesta: with Greek and Latin title (direct attestation)

Culture & genre: science — law

Recto/Verso: Ro/Vo

Note: old LDAB 7645; epigram : https://www.dbbe.ugent.be/manuscripts/16527

More info: CLAEarlier Latin Manuscripts => 2046 links in TM, DCLPDigital Corpus of Literary Papyri => 14624 links in TM, WikipediaWikipedia => 949 links in TM

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    TM 66369

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