Help us!

Trismegistos is a work in progress and we find it hard to survive now, as you can read on this page. We would greatly appreciate your help, in any way.

Financial aid

As Trismegistos is unfortunately compelled to start charging for its functionality now, it will help us most to get your financial support through that registration channel. Should you want to express your gratitude for what TM has done for you in the past, however, we will start an 'Adopt a record' programme soon. You'll hear from us!

Checking and correcting

We always welcome corrections of our data. For the time being, this is only possible by sending an email. This will change in the near future, however.
Please note that at this stage we do not include author’s corrections such as new suggestions for date or provenance. Please always provide correct references for corrections of this type. For Greek papyri, these can be suggested through the Papyrological Navigator.

Adding texts

Trismegistos is currently expanding to include also unpublished texts through cooperation with papyrus collections. Should you be interested in seeing your collection integrated in TM, please contact us (see 'Contact' above).
We would also welcome the addition of individual texts, especially in the field of hieroglyphic epigraphy, where a lot of work remains to be done. We have now set up a system to facilitate the addition of texts by outsiders. Please visit Add A New Text.