How to search Trismegistos Texts
1 - Search the texts database

The quick search in the grey menu bar, on the left of this text: type in a Trismegistos text id (the identifying number) to go immediately to the detail page on that text.
If you want to do a more complex search to find a set of texts answering to certain search criteria, use the advanced search form, unless you are looking for a specific text, in which case please use this page.
A very convenient way to search the entire Trismegistos database and website is to simply fill in the Google Custom Search field, which you can find in the upper right corner of the screen throughout the whole Trismegistos website; no matter what word - or combination of words - you use in this field, Google will come up with the matching pages from Trismegistos in an instant. If you are not quite sure how to find something, try this first, as it may well get you the answer you are looking for without further experimenting!

2 - Browse throught the list of texts

Using 'List all' brings you to the full list of Trismegistos texts, which might be less than useful, except for search bots ;-).

3 - Explore Trismegistos' different subsections

Many people and projects have contributed and still contribute to the Trismegistos database, each from their own research focus. Trismegistos offers you a convenient portal to find all this information at once, but several subsections have their own Trismegistos website as well; it looks identical to the regular Trismegistos Texts website, but shows you only the information from that particular subsection, e.g. LDAB (literary texts), TM-Magic (magic texts, spells,...). These are indicated in red in the image organigram below. Other projects (in blue or grey) collaborate to share information but have an online interface of their own as well, which is kept separate from Trismegistos; these websites might offer additional or specific resources which you cannot find on Trismegistos. Please note that the list below is incomplete and covers only Egypt: for a complete list of our partners, click here.
To go directly to one of the partner projects for a specific subset of the database, click on the desired project's image in the row at the bottom (red, blue and grey images).

EDB HEP DDbDP Deir el-Medina Totenbuchprojekt Bonn