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Attestations of names & people

This form allows you to search for attestations of personal names and individuals, i.e. as they are mentioned in papyri, inscriptions, etc., answering to certain (multiple) criteria, e.g. all attestations of the name Sarapion in the genitive, or all attestations of the name Stotoetis outside of Soknopaiou Nesos in the Roman period.

If you are looking for a single specific attestation of a name or person, e.g. Pokas (TM Per 12539) in TM 262 l. 2, the easiest way is to fill in the TM Ref ID (in this case 27822) in the quicksearch field in the header above. If you do not know the TM Ref ID, please use the search form below.

CAUTION: for all information relating to a specific name or individual, please use the homepage.